On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Cherry on Top

If I wanna name this month of December I would name is Cheery on Top of 2014. Yes every good beginning to the year is auspicious but to me the ending too needs to be a special. Such was the month of December 2014 for me. It was a complete nostalgic month of December 2014.

The month started with a special Midas touch. Off late I am going to the church first thing in the morning every starting of the month where I go to play guitar but this time I opted to go also to my CSI church. A double delight for the first time in my life. The same weekend visited Nellai and it turned out to be a real Nostalgic Vacation (click on the link I have shared the memories of that vacation).

Then came my First Flight experience, I am still running outta words to describe that 55 minutes of Journey of lifetime.

Then in 2nd sunday went for a Village Ministry with my Yeshuas Ministry troop. Before I could get out of those wonderful moments came my First ever carols experience. Later followed by it a Car drive experience on my Casper to Nellai and returning with a beautiful secret which was revealed to me. In the midst of all these incidents didn't forget to erect my Christmas Tree and my wonder star.

By the time all these happened Christmas arrived. On the eve of Christmas after a long time, went for a bike ride with my brother David to Besant Nagar and ECR may be after a couple of months. We had kind of happy memories that night with little drama.

Christmas 2014 was yet another special one with my beloved Grandpa’s presence at home was a blessing in disguise. I was blessed to gift him a shirt for him for the first time. I don’t know what was running in his mind but I was little bit on tears. Along with my Aunt’s family joining the party was a complete new experience we as a family had all together.

Now guys, temme is not cherry on the top moments for me? If you say Yes then think again, if you say No then wait the real cherry was topped only in the last week.

It was on 26th evening when I took my guitar just to strum my aunt suddenly peeped into my room with a smile. She asked me what am I gonna do. I told just take out some songs for this New Year from youtube and make younger bro sing. It was then she sparkled an idea why shouldn’t we compose an own song of our own. I was game for it. We immediately sat down and started to scribble all possible word which is used for New Year wishes. After say couple of hours we made it into a song and made a rhythm in a nursery rhymes pattern – Link.

I was not overjoyed with that version time too was hitting midnight. Told my aunt she told felt the same, after serious brainstorming session alas we came up with a peppy version with variations in the strumming and style of singing like pauses etc. Those 4 hours of experience are completely freeze in my mind. Time was hitting early morning 3 but we didn’t mind being Sunday the next day. Our scribble didn’t stop there next day we scribbled a Tamil song too for New Year. The whole day of 28th we spent on singing and composing the tamil song. It was a complete fun because it was my first experience in composing and with scribble a song. The song has come out quite well. Hope you guys will like it. --- LINK 

My beloved Grandpa
The Cherry didn’t top yet guys. Aunt left by 28th of December. On 29th morning I came to know that my grandpa loves writing songs. In coincidence he had composed one Christmas song for my first Christmas way back in 1986. I was thrilled to know that, I made him write all the lyrics out of his memory and same night made him sing. He is 95 years old but his memories were sharp to recollect all the words of the song and scribbled it. Alas I made him sang too – I am sharing the LINK.

Finally on 30th my ultimate dream came true. It was to sing as a family and praise God. It all happened yesterday night when I asked my Grandpa to sing some old Keerthanai Christian Songs. He was ready to sing. Suddenly my dad joined the groove and my mom too for the last. We sang around 6 songs as a family and grandpa sang 3 separate. I was damn happy to the core to keep on strumming. I will be sharing all those songs on my soundcloud.com/djoephilip

I was just over flowing with ultimate joy when I was hitting my bed. I donno what more should I ask from God because he gave me such a wonderful blessed 2014 ending.

It was a real Cherry on the Top moments.

Today being the last day of the year, want to sign off with a note to all. Just believe in God. He will do wonders. No matter whatever circumstances you are facing just blindly have trust in Him. I had trust that someday all these things will happen but didn’t expect all these to happen in one single month.

I appreciate all my blog viewers who had been constantly supporting me and sharing their comments all these years particularly in 2014 , looking forward to same & more Love and Support in the year 2015.

Wish me more blog posts in 2015. 

Happy New Year 2015. 


Tuesday 30 December 2014

Hidden Secret !!

A wonderful secret was revealed to me last week. My friends always brand me as a good organizer. I always thank God for giving me that gift but always wonder there is something beyond that that makes me a good organizer. It was 19th of December a Friday did I realize that it is in my genes.

Guess what?

Dad is a wonderful organizer a far more surpassing me. It was my Grandma’s 10th Death Anniversary, so my Dad and his brother planned to make it a good occasion to invite all friends and have a prayer meeting. My uncle (chitappa) has also built a new house so that too needed a Mini House Warming ceremony.

We went by car from Chennai and reached only on 19th noon. The function started at 4 by offering Flowers and Poo Maazhai to Grandma’s cemetery, then picking up Church Pastor from church to home. Followed by a warm welcome at home, later a prayer meeting and quick dinner for pastor.
By the time all guest too were present, nobody was left alone wandering. Everyone was having a cup of sweet (Payasam) for evening. Then at 7 the dinner with Mutton Kuzhambu (cooked with a cook at home) and Idiyapam & Idly ordered from outside. By 10 the function was over with a special memento (Bible verse) to all the guests. Mark my words there were no hick ups and issues. It was a simple but a well organized one.

At the end of everything I was just stumped because my uncle and my thatha (grandpa) told the entire thing was organized by Dad. I was just wondering how could he do that? Guess why? The entire thing was organized by him over the phone by sitting in Chennai. Now isn't that something to astonishing? To me it is very much. I being an organizer yes may too have organized the same event but not better compared to him.

A real secret was revealed to me :)

Really want to take this opportunity to thank God for giving a wonderful dad.


My Dad :) 


Tuesday 16 December 2014

Blessed Christmas Carols

All my dreams are coming true I should say happening in the month of December 2014. Second time in a month got a chance to post on the Label - "My First" followed by my first Flight Experience

It was my long time wish ever since I was in Delhi to be a part of Carol groups. My chithi's during Delhi childhood days used to come very late in the night by the time I would have slept most of the years. I always longed to be a part of Christmas Carols. Somehow or other God didn't had in His agenda of plans for me till last Saturday. 

Being a child of an Ex-Service man right from my childhood it was hard to be a part of Carol service because before I get gelled with any friends in Church, dad used to be transferred to some other state. During my end of School days and College days, I never got an opportunity to gel with some one. Though I am a regular Church goer still guess God didn't had will to allow me to get into this. 

Alas I was happy to the core to be part of my Church Carol group, more over was excited because I will be on Guitars ( Luckily the only instrument which was taken that day). I had very little practice and only the day of Carol did I know all the songs. I was quite confident that I would be able to strum with ease even though I would be playing for the first time. I waited for this opportunity for 28 long years to be a part of a Carol round service. 

The real ecstasy of dreams came alive at 9.30 p.m. when I first entered the house. I was very happy to play my first song of Carol. The song too was an easy one, with my favorite Biala Strumming pattern and then "We Wish you a Marry Christmas". Wow, the Adrenaline level was on peak and was almost jumping in joy. Me and my bro David were geared up with hooded Tee-shirt especially for this carols and had plans for some Pandora of Photographic poses. 

Most of all I was very delighted and got a peace of Mind because the main purpose of the entire Carol service was served. It was so Praise God and to Glorify His name, which I delivered it with full deliverance. 

We managed to cover around 8 houses because our time duration was limited, also because of the late start, We ended up only at 2.00 a.m. and reached home by 2.30 a.m. In the end because I was playing with full enthusiasm, my string broke up in the last house visit of the day.

Anyway this was a short experience which I wished to share with you all people about my first experience of my first carol service. It was for a small circle but the bundle of Happiness which was running in my mind was as if I was doing for a large gathering. Purely felt God's presence and His blessings which He rendered to me on that day. 

I take this opportunity to thank God for the wonderful opportunity which He gave me and enabled for a real blessed Carol rounds. Hope it is just a beginning and many more to follow in the coming weeks and in following years. 

p.s.: Also wish to thank God, because I slept at 2.30 a.m. and woke up at 5 a.m followed by which went to Kondakuppam a Village in Vellore for His ministry. I drove the entire journey and played Guitar. There were no obstacles or tireness. He was just filled in me and kept me fresh the entire day. Also enabled me to go and meet my school friends after that and made me sleep only 12.30 a.m. Midnight. Really it was His blessing because of which I am Alive today and happy under His shield. 


The entire signing crew of Carols

Saturday 13 December 2014

A Journey of 55 minutes

It may sound childish but need to share with shear happiness that I have finally traveled by Aeroplane. While many of my friends would have traveled at very young age and even my sister Cadence has traveled when she was hardly some months old, it took 28 years for me to step inside a Aeroplane and travel by it. 

It was for a marriage occasion of my Business Partner’s son for which I had to travel to Hyderabad on 9th December 2014 and return on 10th December 2014 both with God’s grace by flight.

Till afternoon of 9th Dec I didn't had thoughts that I was going to travel by Flight. Only when I packed my dresses did I realize that I am going to travel by Air. I even pinched myself whether it was a dream or a reality. The excitement level was at peak when I reached Airport and checked in. Incidentally my colleague who traveled with me too was in excitement. For him too it was his first experience in flight. I managed to click my first Selfie at Airport. 

After a little drama to board the flight we got seated in our seats and fastened our seat belts. I was lucky enough to get a window seat both the times. The adrenaline started pumping to max when the flight took reverse gear and was ready to take off. 

What happened in next 55 minutes of travel from Chennai to Hyderabad was a moment to cherish. The flight took its speed and started to take off. I was just Praising God and thanking Him in the entire journey. It was almost same like going in a Roller Coaster ride when it took off but in real, words aren’t there to describe the happiness I got when the flight took off. My heart was shouting in joy and my mouth was itching to shout #yaay but was in control over myself to hold my emotions & expressions. It was just a 55 minutes travel and even today I am not out of the hangover of my dream. While landing there was a bit of nervousness but with God’s grace it was a smooth landing.

On return from Hyderabad to Chennai the excitement level was not as much of the first one though.

Myself and my colleague were so curious about the Air Hostess and were having some exciting chats about them. I was itching to buy something while traveling but didn't want to waste money just for the sake of buying. 

Only one small disappointment that both onward and return journey were night travels so hardly could do any site seeing. But really I loved beautiful city of Chennai with heavy lights and lively traffic when I crossed above it. I even saw the Hyderabad city which was not too exciting as compared to the Chennai city. I have shared the pic of both cities in the last. 

God willing I may travel more on air to others parts of India or to other countries but this first experience of flight it will remain cherished forever. Also wish I travel during day time so that I could take some snaps of the God’s creation from up above. 

I took a snapshot of my first Air tickets which I am sharing. These tickets will remain fresh ever in my memories for ever. In another luck by chance I traveled by #GoIndigo which I felt gave me a wonderful support and service. Most important there were no flight delays during arrival & departure both on onward and return. 

There was one more dream which was fulfilled which I longed to do if I travel by Air someday. It was the tag of "Check-In Carry baggage" and let it remain till it gets torn. From my childhood I always dreamed one day my baggage too will have such a tag and it was fulfilled with God's grace. 

I know it was a perfect execution plan of my Almighty God who was the director of this show.  #PraiseGod for everything.

There were loads of tips to get away from the fear of Take Off given by my Chithi's like take a Chewing Gum which will ease your pressure. But one thing it was purely God's grace that I traveled safely both onward and return.
The return flight which I traveled :)


Thursday 11 December 2014

A vacation to remember :)

In the midst of busy hard days, got a couple of days break to my native for my Anna's marriage.
Uff, it was a tight jam packed scheduled but the memories were rocking to the core. Never imagined that it would be so memorable.

There were loads of plans to go out and huddle with my cousins from Ice-Cream parlours to Restaurants, but we settled down in our home upper portion of house which was quite spacious for around 10 of us.

It was an ultimate nostalgic evening. We huddled up wid a Groupfie and were thinking how to kill our time, so I came up with an idea to play "dumb charades". 

We managed to kill time the whole evening by playing that. In the midst of all these game, my cutie little sister was busy in painting my nails legs with nail polish. I repeat painting not just applying.

Uff, I took one snap which I am sharing, got scared literary at the end. Then all my cousins, poured Nail Polish remover to take off 90% of the Nail Polish, of which my little sister too accompanied in removing the paint.

Night we had a party with Parotta and Chicken 65 with all the Brothers & Sister and  their family present in our home. It was a very rare occasion to celebrate. It was also my Mama's birthday. 

Next day, being the last day of the trip we didn't wanted to waste by sitting just in home. My cousin Minna was having school till 11.30 a.m. so all young ones accompanied me to pick her up from school, later we all huddled. Thanks to Almighty we managed to squeeze out our time to hit atleast Arasan outlet for a quick munch.

The ultimate fun was in the evening. It was luck by chance when only the Grand Children of Michael Raj (i.e. my Mom's dad) were all together at one place except for Sekar mama's kids.

We six at the end sat together for a group photo-up and with shear coincidence all were wearing a unique dress code. I am sharing the pic below, see our Tops from Left to Right -->> Red followed by Blue, then Red and ended with me with Blue Tee. Also all were in Full pants. It was an unplanned photo up but we enjoyed to the core.

I am also sharing below another wonderful video which we took it one the same day - The Columbus Ride of our Family Kutties.

I am sure you guys will love it. 

This post is all about the fun and happiness which can't be bought even if Millions of $$$ are given. I guess many of my / our friends are missing such fun by being too much busy with their work life 24*7 and showing least interest in spending time with their family members. Hope this video will kindle their instinct to spend some time with their cousins and family members. A small piece of advise, whenever you get time huddle with your cousins sply younger ones never miss to hit them with a bang and celebrate each moment. 

Being far from my cousins always make me miss them to the core. But being far also builds the expectations to meet them and huddle with them for some nostalgic memories.

p.s. it was a 2 days trip but ended up in loads of memories which couldn't be expressed out to the fullest in the blog. But hope the pics which I have shared and the videos will express out to larger extent. I thank the Almighty Jesus who gave me such a wonderful trip to Nellai. 


Monday 24 November 2014

Being Virgin !

Challenge #08

A notorious challenge – topic “I am a Virgin”. Challenge Accepted!

I am thinking for the past 2 days on how to pen about this topic, still couldn't figure out to how to prove my virginity? That too on Blog! So thought of taking you all to my hilarious experiences where I could have lost my virginity and announce to all that I am Still a Virgin.

Let me rewind my days to 10th grade. I used to go to Science tuition and my timing used to be early morning from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. Along with me only one girl from 9th grade used to come. Really to the core she was a “chick”. My tuition madam used to ask me to study in one room along with her and goes to cook. Believe me, we both used to be there alone with doors shut for nearly 45 minutes daily without any disturbance. The highlight in it was, if my madam approaches the room I could easily figure out with her “kulusu” sound. An alert signal.  My word, that girl’s name I could vaguely remember, but she was cute and always used to say just “Hi” every morning and bye (luckily not “Hi Anna” and Bye “Anna”). Sometines she used to ask me doubt, by sitting next to me. Uff, if I think on negative note of those moments just wondering what an opportunity I got. This continued for almost for nearly 2 months before my revision exams started because of which I had to discontinue my tuition. But the conclusion is till last I didn’t even give a hand shake or ever touched her by mistake.

Moral: Keep Calm, I ended up to be Virgin.

The next instance goes back to my college days. Few of my college mates had relationships with their girl friends which extended till room and another gang were having anytime fun with one girl also my college mate in that same room. Those guys, used to call some girls from other colleges too to their room for night stay. I used to go to their room for taking their bike whenever needed, taking some new Tamil & English Movies etc. Always those guys would ask, Joe common it will be fun Join us atleast for a night stay ! Let me be honest, few times got tempted but somehow always used to manage to get out of those shit.

Moral: Keep Calm, again turned to be a Virgin. 

The next moment was when I was on an EMU train journey. I used to visit my Chithi’s and Grandpa’s home during weekends. One such night, when I was returning all alone in a compartment bogie from Chetpet to Tambaram is when this happened. It was the last train and when the train came to Nungambakkam station, a man boarded the train and sat almost next to me. I used to always gear up my ears with heavy music when I am travelling so wouldn’t hear anything outside what others speak. He tried speaking to me something but when I didn’t notice he showed some action to divert my attention towards him. I saw him and he pointed with his eye to a woman standing on the edge of train's door. I was so innocent that I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say because I could see only that woman’s face. But when she walked little further towards me is when I noticed her dress with heavy make-up did I realize that they where there with different motive. Before I could hold my shock and thinking what to do next, one big family with 2 cousins and 3 kids with their parents (almost 8 members) boarded  the train at Guindy. It was a great sigh of relief. The guy (pimp) stood went to the edge of the door and was kept on seeing me for few more station halts, but I kept my attention outside window purposely. They got down in Thirusulam station. Till date, I had never disclosed this ugliest moments of my life to anyone.

Moral: Keep Calm, I once again passed my Virginity test.

To end this post, I want to take an opportunity to thank God for keeping me Safe and Virgin till date under His Light. I walked through the evilest temptations but He saved me from all those evils. Thank you Lord, for saving me from all those ugliest clinches. Also wish to thank my Notorious friend who suggested me this topic. Guess I didn’t had much of Humour in it, but never had anything humours experience related to this topic.

I am happy for being Virgin till date, guess it will be the biggest gift I could give to my Life partner when I get married.


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Loo Times :) :P :D

Howdy folks, long time since have continued my Challenges thrown up to me.

Today I took the most sensational topic given by naughty friend who gave previously the topic of “The Girl in Me”.

Here goes the topic – Loo Times. If you people are thinking that I have wrongly spell Loo instead of Loony Times, the answer is NO, you have read the first one correctly. Yes the topic is LOO TIMES.
Let me rewind back my memories to UKG. Do you Remember we all used to read words and sentences by joining all the letters of the Alphabets. I too used to do the same thing, during my LOO time in UKG. You guys are guessing what I was learning there?

Remember this dabba?

YES the Dalda dabba.
This was narrated by dad last year that I used to read very loudly read – D - A - L - D - A – Dalda and turn around the box and read the same thing in Hindi. All this used to happen while doing my LOO. Dad who used to wait for his turn gets irritated with my curiosity of learning but now he had a laugh when he narrated.

Now, let’s go little forward. #SchoolDays. It was during my Board exams I used to love going to LOO often. Guess why? #Sleep. Dad used to wake me early to prepare for exams, I used to conveniently go inside to Loo and sleep there for 15 minutes. Then dad would shout from outside enough of sleeping inside, time to get back to your Study table. I used to guess, how come dad knows that I was sleeping. Even checked whether any Video cam is attached or any see through hole has been pierced to monitor me. Somehow daily manage to have two naps between 5 to 7.30 study time. But guess now thinking, whether dad used to do the same thing during his study time. Lol :P

Next during my College days, in Hostel days used to hear songs. Later as time went by, used to delete SMS of previous days, in short cleaning of my Mobile Inbox storage along with the clearance of
my stomach. Both for same purpose for a perfect kick off for the day. During my MBA days, few times took my study materials to go through the notes quickly during exams days.

Off late, no such activities I have been indulged in, except for thinking about the days plan. But seriously believe me or not, as told in Vadivel’s movie my mind and brain works smarter and faster during Loo times. I take some strategic decision for the day’s work during that time.

It’s time to wrap up the post here, hope I would have brought a good smile on all your faces.
Thanks to my idiotic friend who suggested this topic, felt weird but feeling notorious and getting a devilish smile for having written this post. More challenging posts coming soon.


Monday 6 October 2014


A day  (Today) - A Complete rekindle of my childhood days:

These generation kids ask what is Lollipop they would say, Chicken Lollipop in a jiffy, ask 1980 or early 1990’s kids they would have a smile in their face and I bet their memories would rewind back to their childhood. Such an impact was with that of the Lollipop for my gen kids.

Still dad used to say, when I was 2 years old kid his friend called Bhaskar would always come very often with 2 Lollipops one for me and one for him. He always wanted a chance to eat Lollipop and he would use me. It was from that time, my all time favorite chocolate used to be always Lollipop. I always relished it during my Studies, going to school, on way to church, playing cricket. In simple whenever I got it used to just keeping licking it irrespective of environment or where I am. 

Hardly remember the varieties of Lollipop of those, there used to be flat shaped Lollipop with a transparent sheet, then normal round ones from Parles’ and my favorite used to be the Éclair Flavored. Just used to relish it for nearly 20 min till it reached the end. 

In college days, hardly ate Lollipop. Guess there was one from Alpenliebe but I didn’t like it and their Strawberry flavor used to be good.

After a long time, today I got a chance to grab one. My goodness the Mango flavored was one nasty delicious pop. It was #PimPom Lollipop. 

I bought two more and gave one to my young bro. We both had a completion as who will suck it more faster without biting in between. Incidently I won it, bcos he had bitten when he was reaching the end. Now you guys, don't think that I was rude on rules, but what to do rules are rules in any competition. 

The highlight was when we both were Whistling the pipe of Lollipop. Yes, the lollipop was designed with Whistle model. We just loved it all day whether who was blowing it harder. 

Complete rekindle of memories of Childhood it was today :) Thanks to the Almighty for giving me such a wonderful day. 

Now, after reading this post I am sure you guys will be itching to grab one asap, provided if you are a hardcore Lollipop addict or love it to the core.

p.s.: Thnx for reading the post. Do share your comments and thoughts. 

Tuesday 30 September 2014


This word was once a buzz word a decade ago. Almost all my UG Class mates were having an account of our own, even though Internet connectivity was not so user friendly via mobile & at home. Still we used to spend hours and hours in Interne Café’ and kill our time in Orkut.

Following were our rule book of Social Networking particular in Orkut.
Rule 1 : If you don’t have an orkut account then you are doing a sin.
Rule 2: You need to be part of any Community for sure.
Rule 3: You need to send Testimonials
Rule 4: Search new friends and make new unlimited friends via common community groups
Rule 5: Need to keep on scrapping right from Bday’s to all status updates
Rule6: Keep updating the Orkut header name

Still remember we used to follow these rules strictly and with so much sincerity. Had I shown the same interest in my studies in UG days things would have changed? But Orkut gave me new friends and an understanding about the power of Internet and strength of Social Networking. I used to be an addict to it.

Ask my K750i (Scorpio) it would cry literary, bcos in that mobile and with those days internet connectivity I used to always open my Orkut page and keep “scrapping”.
I had few secret crushes in it but couldn’t follow it up later and ground nut frying with them and few others used to be my full time assignment.

What FB is to these generation college guys, the same used to be for us a decade ago. Orkut had some good features like Testimonials, which helped to build the image of a person. It was all the way to understand a person to a new level. I doubt how many Social Networking sites have such an option.

Still I donno how to describe my action towards Orkut, how it was….
Yesterday got the clear news that Orkut gonna be closed down from today, was little sad but felt Nostalgic. But we need to live with it, things need to be on the move and on new stuff will change the lifestyle of people in social networking aspect.
Wanna share something special at the end !!!

My copy paste status of my FB status of today :
“#23852 Scraps, #600+ pics, 20+ Testimonials, 50+ video uploads, 60+ Community pages.....all gonna end today  My goodness still remember how during ma UG College days i was addicted to it in my Sony K750i mobile  ‪#‎MotherOfAllSocialNetwork‬ Sad its gonna end today  
‪#‎Orkut‬ will remember you always”

Wanna end this post the few Testimonials close my heart which my besties shared about me, I didn’t wanted those to just get demolished, so I am publishing it here the original copies of it….

Thanks alot Orkut for the wonderful memories which you had shared all through these years :) 

#TakeABow to #Orkut....

Anyway hope I have given a good personal farewell to #Orkut from my side....

#GoodByeOrkut :) #R.I.P #Orkut !!!


Sunday 21 September 2014

My First Crush :) :D ;)

Now, this topic would bring eagerness to all my folks and am sure you will be eager to know who my crush was. 

Well my school mates would have a smile and would guess the girl they knew immediately and ma college mates may imagine another girl whom I liked, even my sister would think that it is HER. But you all are wrong! This story was hidden from all of you till now. Its’ Time to reveal. 

My first crush dates backs to 4th grade !! 

Her name was Anamika. 

Still memories are quite fresh if I think about 4th grade ! 

We used to be hail from same section. We never have spoken to each other and I hardly remember her face too. She was fair and cute that’s the faded memories remaining in me. Just remember, we used to stand together was during our report card session. Our class teacher used to appreciate and ask to come in front all the 1st to 5th rank students. I used to always get 4th or 5th rank and she used to get 2nd or 3rd. Every month when my class teacher calls us in front, she always used to come and stand near me. I used to get double excited. Who will not if the girl whom you like come, stand next to you and the whole class applauding you. 

Next, she used to reside in Assu Camp – Normal Cadre Air Force men quarters and I used to reside in Pinto Park - Officer’s Air Force Camp quarters. The distance between both the camps used to be around 6 kms away. 

I used to go to a known tamilian uncle’s home (Johnson uncle guess so) to play WWF card game with their son on every weekend. Her quarter was next to their home. Now you guys, would think that I would have been going their purposely, if you are thinking like that then your guess work is Correct. (This post being a challenge based I need to be honest fortunately or unfortunately). 

Yes, I used to go every weekend to uncle's home and play WWE card with Rajkumar and later insist him to play cricket being an outdoor game and to get a chance to see her. She used to come very rarely outside the time when I play, now that always used builds the curiosity in me to see her more. I used to bat or bowl very well till the time she comes, but when she comes out and notice me she smile at me. I try to act smart and bat very over smartly and always used to get cleaned bowled and if bowling all ball would go to wide or it would go for more runs. She always used to smile at me, I scratch my head and continue playing mokkai game afterwards. 

This routine was going on for guess till Half Yearly. Later, my uncle too was shifted to different block and in class I too missed out ranks and was coming 6th rank twice in a month (Jan & Feb). It didn’t bother or affect me much that time. But anxiety was built in me to not to miss the opportunity in the last Annual exams to stand next to her. Unknowing that in the final Annual exams they won’t appreciate the same way as on usual way I worked hard and scored 2nd rank and report card was handed over to my parents by my class teacher directly. 

Somehow at the end of 4th grade I ended up in 2nd rank, dad and mom they thought their son had studied hard and were very proud of me. Unfortunately didn't knew the real reason behind it, but I am proud now that I got 2nd rank too once. Lol: P: P 

Later, in 5th grade all our sections were shuffled and I could hardly see her and thoughts about her slowly vanished. 

Till now, whenever I come across that name I get a little smile on my face. 

I never realized it was a crush till I reached 10th grade. Later then I realized of what it was I had a big smile on my face.

Moreover to be honest, even now I can't decide whether it was a crush or some kinda inner happiness, being 4th grade.

p.s.: Thanks to ma bestie from Mumbai who suggested this topic and rekindling my memories. Actually it took time to rekindle all the thoughts, I even ask my dad about the Johnson uncle’s camp name and asked why he was staying in different camp too before writing this post. Also reconfirmed which rank I got in the final Annual exam, he too said 2nd rank. So basically did lot of ground work too. Mom was curious why I am asking this question, I just managed with a smile, hope she never see this post in future. 

Just added related pictures to bring make the post more interesting.


Friday 19 September 2014

The Girl in Me !!!!!!

Challenge #05
So back to blogging after a couple of weeks.

The Girl in Me “ – topic sounds weird but I bet I will bring a big smile on you ppl's face at the end of the blog ? If this sounds weird then the notorious friend who suggested me this topic has given me one more weirder topic compared to this. Apologize for taking time, all the further topics needs time to rekindle my imaginative thought process to make it humorous.

I was thinking how to start this topic !!

Finally thought to rekindle my childhood nostalgia which I used to be kinda curious in it. I used to go to my Thatha’s home during weekend in Delhi school days. I was in 3rd grade and my chithis’ is 8th and 11th grade. In Saturday’s they go to school for half a day and I used to always revolve around their wardrobe mirror and used to take all their clips and their make up kits. My favourite time pass used to be their rose powder, I used to apply it on my nose and make my nose pinkish and stay like that whole day. Next I used to take their clips and used to clip over my curls here and there and take out immediately. I used to take their lip stick and apply on my ear edges to look attractive.

By noon when they return they could see their wardrobe always disturbed and in a shabby condition. I used to have my lunch and sleep by the time they come, and they find me sleeping with weird make ups. They used to laugh and kiss me looking at my cute make up face. Later in evening they used to say, thank God Joe Kutty, you are not a girl else we would be running short of our makeup kits and clips.

I still keep guessing why I used to do such activities. Later after a year, I never had that intention to do it so. I used to just keep a distance.

Now, this would have brought a little smile on you ppl’s face. Am I right? Well that’s good.

OK time to rewind the button still further than that. It was train incident, when I was travelling from Delhi to Nellai for my Uncle’s marriage and the same chithis were travelling with me. They still narrate that incident. It was winter season and I used to wear Scarf around my face and wear unisex sweaters. A girl of my age cadre was playing the whole evening and suddenly asked me a question and later I didn’t speak with her. Guess what she asked? Are you girl or a boy? Now, guys like all other guys with attitude I didn’t speak to her after that incident till the end of my journey. Funny thing was I upset and my chithis’ consoled me that guys who look girlish in young days, become handsome in adulthood. Really don’t know what kinda weird discovery was that....buhahahahaha.

Now, this would have brought a big smile on you ppl’s face. Aaaawl Right !! Lets move on !!

Later when I was in 7th grade I was so fond of face creams and used to apply alot of Fairever and guess the result?? I became pale with a whitish tone, later researched and found that it was because of Calcium or some bleaching stuff added more to it which made my skin like that. I stopped using it. Now temme guys, how many of you used to apply those stuff in your Ugly-Duckling stages?

Offlate, when I grew hair is when I was experimenting with my pony tails and hair bands. I wore one whole day, a thin black hair band after combing my hair to full back with gel. Next day, had a rubber band and a hand band around my pony tail. That all drama lasted only for two days. Later came to shabby curls. I still apply some powder when to get refreshed up in morning before going for an early drive or sometimes to play. I am attaching a small pic, a hair with rubber band which my sister did it.

This is all kinda girlish stuff inside me apart from that I love being a pucca guy with a strong deo, shabby hair style and a rugged look.

Now, to bring a laugh on your faces,  I am sharing a pic of my childhood. Look at it carefully, I am wearing a girl’s lil frock. Mom bought it for fun. Doesn’t that suit me??? lol :P :P  

Hope I brought a good smile on all your face, and made it interesting with Humourness in it. More in the further blogs. Need time to rekindle my imagination........

