On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Blessed Christmas Carols

All my dreams are coming true I should say happening in the month of December 2014. Second time in a month got a chance to post on the Label - "My First" followed by my first Flight Experience

It was my long time wish ever since I was in Delhi to be a part of Carol groups. My chithi's during Delhi childhood days used to come very late in the night by the time I would have slept most of the years. I always longed to be a part of Christmas Carols. Somehow or other God didn't had in His agenda of plans for me till last Saturday. 

Being a child of an Ex-Service man right from my childhood it was hard to be a part of Carol service because before I get gelled with any friends in Church, dad used to be transferred to some other state. During my end of School days and College days, I never got an opportunity to gel with some one. Though I am a regular Church goer still guess God didn't had will to allow me to get into this. 

Alas I was happy to the core to be part of my Church Carol group, more over was excited because I will be on Guitars ( Luckily the only instrument which was taken that day). I had very little practice and only the day of Carol did I know all the songs. I was quite confident that I would be able to strum with ease even though I would be playing for the first time. I waited for this opportunity for 28 long years to be a part of a Carol round service. 

The real ecstasy of dreams came alive at 9.30 p.m. when I first entered the house. I was very happy to play my first song of Carol. The song too was an easy one, with my favorite Biala Strumming pattern and then "We Wish you a Marry Christmas". Wow, the Adrenaline level was on peak and was almost jumping in joy. Me and my bro David were geared up with hooded Tee-shirt especially for this carols and had plans for some Pandora of Photographic poses. 

Most of all I was very delighted and got a peace of Mind because the main purpose of the entire Carol service was served. It was so Praise God and to Glorify His name, which I delivered it with full deliverance. 

We managed to cover around 8 houses because our time duration was limited, also because of the late start, We ended up only at 2.00 a.m. and reached home by 2.30 a.m. In the end because I was playing with full enthusiasm, my string broke up in the last house visit of the day.

Anyway this was a short experience which I wished to share with you all people about my first experience of my first carol service. It was for a small circle but the bundle of Happiness which was running in my mind was as if I was doing for a large gathering. Purely felt God's presence and His blessings which He rendered to me on that day. 

I take this opportunity to thank God for the wonderful opportunity which He gave me and enabled for a real blessed Carol rounds. Hope it is just a beginning and many more to follow in the coming weeks and in following years. 

p.s.: Also wish to thank God, because I slept at 2.30 a.m. and woke up at 5 a.m followed by which went to Kondakuppam a Village in Vellore for His ministry. I drove the entire journey and played Guitar. There were no obstacles or tireness. He was just filled in me and kept me fresh the entire day. Also enabled me to go and meet my school friends after that and made me sleep only 12.30 a.m. Midnight. Really it was His blessing because of which I am Alive today and happy under His shield. 


The entire signing crew of Carols

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