On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Independence Day 15th August 2012

I-Day - Aug 15th 2012 - One of my nostalgic day :) 
It all happened just cos of my buddy Naren !!

Last 8 yrs I am in constant touch with Bharath University but neva have attended I- Day celebration. But this year got that oppotunity :) 

It was a bright sunny day & with fresh morn breeze, I went to college. All NCC Cadre were ready for the Go. NCC Head - Mr.Udaya Kumar and my buddies organized the whole event very well and were ready for the go. 

We all started by Honouring our National Flag by putting flowers to it. 

Like all Chief Guest our VC was late for the function. As soon as he came, Flag Hoisting and followed by March Past and Flag pinning. Man it was a matter of just 20 min but it was an epic and a true Nostalgia :) 

The day was more nostalgic mainly cos this happened in Bharath University. 
Man 8 years of bondage with Bharath Univ is just growing every year with some new developments. 

After that we guys were on for some photoshoots and Breakfast. 

Then came the last event --- Final Photoshoot. Really it was an honour for me when I sat with all the NCC group taking the front row in Chair :)  

It was real nostalgic moments, a pride moment in my very own college and with ma fellow mates. 

I have shared all the pictures in FB do watch it :) 

Once again Thnx to ma frnd Naren who made it happen this day a real Memorable one. 


Tuesday 7 August 2012

College Life Re-Lived :)

Dedicate this post to all my Bharath Biotech Buddies 04’ to 08’ Batch 

August 5th 2012 - A day to be freezed !!

A spark ignited in the minds of Dhilip, Arthi and Myself to have a get-together ! To be honest we planned to just assemble in Vandaloor Zoo and then disperse. We started inviting all our Department mates. We expected hardly 10-12 ppl. But when it crossed 20 we thought no use in keeping Zoo, so decided to shift the focus to a Hall, but later on when it came to 30+ we shifted out pointer to Resort. After so many discussions, we decided to go for Green Coconut Resort. 

Uff, organizing at the onset was a tough task but when I saw the entire count mind got settled J I was really honored to host such a wonderful event for the sake of Friendship and wonderful friends. Success of this event doesn’t goes to ME but to all the people who came and made this event a grand success and has set a beginning for good things in future.

The Event started with a great Cake cutting celebration, debate was who will cut the cake…lol :P It was Pradeep who took a heap of cake in a spoon and everyone followed it. How come cake eating will be finished without Cake facials, so it was fulfilled with the right spirit. Really enjoyed, when my friends Arthi and Bharathi chased me around to counter attack my facials.
Followed by that was See-Saw, a new Olympic game was introduced that day ;)
Then was our Dance and Song session, myself and Samar were awarded the best Dancers for our special step. 

After all this fun was Luncheon time…..

Time was ticking 3, time was running fast then all went to Swimming pool just to wet our legs. Meanwhile myself and Ransingh went to fill water in balloon for the next game, which eventually didn’t last long for more time. Fun time continued with Bashnig Musical Chair. 

We were all set for a Photoshoot when rained drizzled heavily, but the HIGHLIGHT of the day happened that time, it was Tug Of War game…rains were heavy , but suddenly few guys started the game and all joined…..My word whole resort managers and care takers came out to watch our game….it lasted for hardly 1 min but it was damn damn memorable one…even now if I remember it brings me a big smile. 

Then came the final Photoshoop up ! We all took our oath to meet up for sure next year same 1st Sunday of August 2013 and make it Large.

The final touch was given by our Chief Guest, Ransingh who did a special performance and earned Rs.3 

It was a wonderful end, when we shouted – HIP HIP HURRAY edifying our own Batch 

We were proud of our Department folks who made it for the function.
It was nice experience personally for me, cos to few I haven’t interacted much in my college days, but on that day it was a nice platform to play around and prank and have fun. We were enjoying as if we knew each other very well…….
There was No Ego, No Previous bad memories, No revenge……this event brought back our College Life within each one of us……though it has been 4 years since most of them have completed their college life and living a Corporate Life….

The day turned out to be a real memorable also because it was celebrated on the same week when joined our college on Aug 2nd 2004 and also because it was a Friendship Day. 

What more could you ask for, when the day was spent with the right people. Each frames of the event I am sure are still running in minds of all the 25 odd ppl. It will bring a big smile whenever we check out the photos and videos or sometimes by memories….

I want to thank each one those who respected me and made it for the event, I owe my Friendship to them. 

Love u All Friends……You are my Life 

Yaaayy I re-lived a day of College Life because of you all :) 

I have shared half of the clicks in FB so enjoy it !!!
P.S.: It’s not like that I am angry or upset with those who didn’t make it for the event, few friends of mine like Dhilip, Aneesh etc. couldn’t make it due of genuine reasons but few others didn’t make it cos they were not interested. I would like to end by saying such moments in Life are Once in a Life Time Opportunity, when chance to get an enjoyment is there we should grab it and shouldn’t have hard feelings later on. We shouldn’t show up our Ego’s, Past revenges and give away Silly & Childish reasons. 

I am just expecting atleast seeing all the pictures more ppl will pump in for the next meet.


Monday 30 July 2012

Trip de Mahabs :) :D

One word how to describe -- 29 July 2012 --->>> An awesome Sunday :) :D 

My family and Chithi's family were discussing for long time  a to trip Mahabs f, it was getting postponed for many reasons but not today. It was a sudden decision, almost yesterday Night after 8 when we gathered and booked a car and got ready. Myself and Dad were mentally not prepared for the trip.

Mark ma words, having a good trip with Friends is not only the best trip, if you have a family like mine and if you go for more trip, it would beat Friends Trips ;) :D

OK coming to the trip, started only around 10.30 a.m and reached around half past Eleven. Started with Five Rathas, Light House, Shore Temple and then Beach....I don't want to share my experience about the places cos many would have seen it and you can google about those places too. 

Wanna share the fun we had. Mom and Dad neva like to come out for any outings but the enthusiasm they shown today, I am planning to take them often hope they co-operate with me too :) 

One more best thing is my Brother, it is always interesting and fun to take some kids for any family trip. Man the whole trip was revolving around him, everything for his happiness and photos being taken all around him. Their innocence is always cherished. The most memorable incident was when he was chased a Cute Lamb, I have captured few pics of that incident hope you guys love it.

Followed by the trip was Lunch time. We came out of Mahabs and took a left and went inside Pine forest, under the shades of a big Banyan Tree. Almost spent an hour over there and returned home. 

It was a matter of 4 and 1/2 hours but it turned out to be a real memorable one.....

The following Sunday is gonna be an another Blockbuster Sunday, wait for the post till Aug 5th 2012 :) :D 


Monday 23 July 2012

Don't Judge Book by its Covers !!!

A metaphorical phrase which means "you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward appearance alone"

Experienced this saying today :) 
As usual went to my Roomies room there when I met one of my junior. He looks pakka rouge, stays out in Hostel so obv looks like he Drinks and Smokes. He also pretends to same in many times. 

But I was totally wrong. I happened to talk to him for almost 40 min and I was shell shocked to know about his past, got committed in 12th, had plans to go and marry but  he didn't go for it cos his parents image came in front of him, unfortunately that girl cheated him but now hez committed. 

His life story be apart, I really loved his Attitude. Though from a Middle class family, have studies BA Economics and later did Diploma in Automobile and now doing Engg in Automobile. His attitude was simple --- want to Live a Life not to earn and make a huge money but to just earn and live happily. He has worked all sorts of work -->> Auto driver, Lorry driver etc etc. His idea is to just work anywhere and his interesting character is he doesn't want money just by sitting in one place but want to earn after doing some hard work. He is again committed now and I liked the way he praised her.....Man he made my day....

He want to succeed in his Love after mutual acceptance from both family, he wants to live the Life he wants....he has sculpted his whole life....

I may not be able to express out clearly the way I am feeling right now I repeat he made my day......

What I want to take from experience is not that who he is all about but about me.....What I need to change from inside, the way to Live a Life simple but meaningful :) 

I hope you guys also would have similar experiences and I suggest you guys to sketch out a  meaning life to live Happy :) :D 

Just thought of sharing this post.....

Good Night Folks :) :D 


Saturday 21 July 2012

Rain came down.........

It was a wonderful past week, when the rains reached the soils of Chennai. 
The whole Chennai welcomed  it.....

The scenes of Chennai were the same, water clogging and wet mud and as usual people Chennai moved their life in such situations. 

I remember my Buddy Naren was so excited last Friday i suppose was damn thrilled tut he posted only one word - Raining thrice..........to express his happiness so as it was in the minds of many people in Chennai....

One good thing happened in this rainly season was, i was able to capture some good clicks in my Foxy in this rain ;) :D will share it soon :) 

But No sooner Chennai was back to shape - Hot and Humid by the end of the week :) 

I just hope people of Chennai receive one more shower in the coming week ahead and give a chilling start to the week :) 

Happy Weekend Folks :) Team India Cricket Mania has started , lets wish good luck to our Champs :) 

 A Click captured in my Foxy last Sunday................


Wednesday 20 June 2012

Tough Times Needs Tough Heart :)

My Life as a Professional and leading a Christian life is full of trials and tough times as God is looking for me to turn my problems over to Him.

Tough Times Needs Tough Heart......Yo, that's what is the need of the hour for me ! I am sure it happens with all and in particular who are into Business. This Financial year so far has not been so far fruitful for me, all plans are just plans and yet to get into Execution mode, before I could see something happening and about to announce loads of twists and take diversions happens around. Sometimes feel depressed, then come outta that issue and next hurdle comes !! Unexpected Attrition's, Delay in Concrete replies, Actions & Payments aaaarrrghhh :( :(

But I know one thing, the Best and Fruitful days are
 always yet to come :) 
I strong believe in the following words :

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

I know it may sound foolish to post this kinda post, but I feel this is the forum where I can share my stuffs !!

My Life has given me loads of Experience so far I need to capitilize from here on ! I know I can do it and I will do it :) Daily it is teaching me something and the paths are not filled with Roses it has Thrones in it :( I need to watch out !

Hope I hold on my patience and don't get stressed out :) Just keeping my Hope, Faith, Belief and Self Confidence tickering to 100% :) :D 
Guys, if you are dealing with stress do read out you may feel happy:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.....Philippians 4:6-7

Sorry guys for making this post kinda Biblical.....
Just wanted to post whats running in my mind......................and keep the Blog Active..........

Right now my mind says::

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” The Apostle Paul ........... “2 Corinthians 12:10

Love You All :) :D 

Do Share your thoughts and Comments :) :D 

Saturday 9 June 2012

Ethu Koovum ???

Howdy fellas, 
Simple, Mokkai and also kinda old fashioned question  !

Sun rises from East and what happens next? 
Kozhi koovum !!!! wait wait wait, small correction guys !! 

Does really Kozhi Koovum or Seval Koovumaa? 

Yes, always its the great Rooster i.e. the Royal Seval which always does the Kooving :) But we always keep saying Kozhi Koovum !! Have anyone thought about it? or we do say knowingly? 

So guys, what does this mean? Lets change our phrase from here on :) 

Chalo don't wanna bore u guys more, ending ma note wid the pic of a Royal Rooster which is heading in ma native :) 

P.S. Took me 15 min to shoot this picture :) 


Thursday 7 June 2012

The Helicopter

Howdy fellas, 
Waadss up....off late after my Foxy has come into my life, my passion for clicks has increased to larger extent..nah am not just boosting but just started loving more.

Of late have decided I should start posting outta my clicks and give a meaning to each of it. 

So here we go, The Dragon Fly - A double winged insect belonging to the order Odonata on in infraoder Anisoptera.....Do we know it like that?
Or or How many of us remember this as a Helicopter?

Still my memories are fresh when I used to run behind it when I was in Grade V in Kalaikunda Airfore Station, a very wet outland. 

There used to be Blue and Green shaded Dragon Flies. 
Used to catch and make them fight with each other and obviously the Blue one used to win always. I still don't know the reasons behind it.....

Well a little note on my below picture, I was gazing around for pic in my office when to my surprise this young little Yellow Fly came and sat on my Bike Tank Cover, I just took it on random but before i could focus it more and take another click this little clever flew away :( 

But still cherish this picture for what it is. Just wanna Praise God for creating such a wonderful creation and sending us down and to make it Fly :) 

Hope you liked ma post :) 

Love u all for all your support :) 


Wednesday 9 May 2012

Foxy - Ma New Clicker :)

Howdy buddies, 

Yet another a long time since have posted, been on tight and jam packed schedule. New assignments planning soon gonna launch in a bingo way hopefully, will keep you posted for sure folks. 

Meanwhile have got a new gadget to ma shelf -- A Semi- SLR babe :) 
Named it FOXY - Nikon L810  :) 

One line Description - The Nikon COOLPIX L810 has a 26x wide-angle optical zoom lens with a 22.5-585mm range. It features lens shift VR (vibration reduction), has a 16 megapixel CC sensor and is powered by AA batteries.

It was my long time wish to own a good camera. I bought long back in 2006 kinda 5 Megapixel Canon urgently for my North India tour. But as we all know all gadgets has its life and tut too had its expiry. The camera is just shelved and has vibration problems. 

Nyway recently got some savings $$$ and thought it is the right time to own a good one, cos loads of trips and other professional work needed a camera. I did a kinda long research and then something buzzed over ma mind to go for SLR, but to be honest its not ma cup of tea. So thought atleast go for a Semi-SLR and finally fixed with FOXY :) Cheers to ma colleague Subhash who was quite patient in suggesting me with many options and ideas. 

Chalo, am excited about the new born in ma Gadget family hope I could click good clicks and make an Amateur Albums outta it :) 

Photography has always been my passion and interest so from now its time to play on my FOXY :) 

Whogay no more boring, gonna end up this post. 
Ciao all guys :) 
Cheers for all your support and for reading this post :) :D 


Sunday 22 April 2012

Earth's Day - 2003 :)

Earth's day always reminds of only one thing --- Bell School and my Classmates. 

Still the memories are fresh and alive :) 
It was 2003 we guys were in 11th Grade the year when we guys the favorites for all the Juniors. 

It was a group of artist from Xavier's college who came to train us for a skit for Earth's day. We were so happy, reason? Classes were bunked lol :P 

We were so enthusiastic and energetic gang of 10 guys (of course our total strength was only tut ). It was a Action Script and our Buddy Noorul was the only speaker who described the whole scene in advance. It was a short skit I guess for a period of 15min I guess. We all were in Black and Black with Joker kinda make ups. We didn't had many days to practice but managed to put a good show on the given day. 

At the end, we thought it was  a OK ! and  would get a decent applause but fortune turned in a different way. There was a Huge Applause and we were the Hero's of our School. Still remember our Principal Renuka mam came running to congratulate us all. We all were in Cloud 9. 

After that we got more respect from our teachers, following to that was our Independence Day, Annual day celebration where we just rocked .... it was one of the unforgettable phase of our School Life -- 2003-04 :) :D 

A True Nostalgia :) 
I feel so happy sharing this post, cos it brought a big smile in ma face on this Sunny Sunday Morning ;) 

I hope this post too will bring a Big Smile to all my Batch Mates and Bell Mates when they read this :) :D 

The Skit made a good reach that it came in next day's Newspaper :) A proud moment for all our Batch Mates :) Why not those days if we guys come in newspaper and all it was a huge sense of Happiness within ourselves :)

3 Cheers to all who made this day a true Nostalgia :) 

P.S.: I would like to see comment from ma Bell Mates if you guys remember this skit and your reactions :) 


Thursday 19 April 2012

My First Peddle :) :D

Howdy folks ! 

Chalo its been long time again !! 
I need to find a way now to keep myself active in Blog !!

Uff, so IPL season going on must be keeping most of them glued up with Set max? 
I was kinda bored up these days with some sort thought process during leisure time cos of which I was not so active !!!

OK lemme share with you something interesting :) 

My First Cycling !! I donno whether this will be a trend setting post of the day ;) 

Being brought up at young in densely city like Delhi I peddled my Tricycle only on the Small Corridors and not on roads :( 

Still I remember I used to ask ma Dad to get one Cycle, but as all Dad used to put condition get 1st rank I will get you one. Initially I thought not to take the challenge but I took it, got 1st Rank in 3rd grade but didn't ask for Cycle. Surprised uh ?? lol :P :P that's me.....

In between when I used to visit Nellai I used to just roll it and I guess once I got a chance to drive a rented cycle, a small one managed to drive for short distances. 

Later when I shifted to Kharagpur, I got a cycle. It was I guess BSA brand for ma Birthday. But there was a twist, my mom started to ride it ;) :D 
Really guys I got jealous. 

So took ma Dad's cycle and started Monkey Peddling and I picked up quite fast. Still remember it was 12/12/96 we as a family went to Johnson Uncle's home, some wr around 10 kms from our Residence. 

I took ma cycle and kept on trying trying and trying.....fell thrice but neva gave up. Yes, as the history repeats hard work paid off  !! 

I was really a wonderful feel, I bet guys you too would had the same feel when I drove cycle for the 1st time and the unforgettable balancing act. 

What after tut, I just drove drove drove to the extent got many complaints that I am always on the road. 

Polished it regularly, used to park it with care, and lil stunts like driving leaving the Hand....did everything :) 

So this is a short post guys, I would be glad to know if you guys too share something interesting in the same way. 


Monday 2 April 2012

Happy Financial Year

Howdy folks !! 

Yes, today is a new start for me in terms of my profession, every April is New Year for all the ppl being in Business sector. I will come to that topic in the latter half. 

March month had been a very dull, was quite vetti but busy at untime works, was not too much nocturnal mainly cos of my Lent I was too much tired too. 
Hope from now I will come up with new labels and postings after my Lent !!

Also need to reactive my Gospel Website --- Gospel Revelations !!
Teaming up few members may be a bunch of half a dozen folks for making a strong team. Hope I succeed in it. 

Its a new beginning. I have sacrificed loads in the past 2 years of my Professional Life for laying the strong foundation, so far I have succeeded just a few more months a new project will begin then tuts it !!! 

I really thank my parents at this juncture who have been so supportive and keeping faith in me, just Love and Respect them alot. 

I also owe ma thanks to my other Family members, my buddies and all well wishers. 

Obviously donno wanna forget my ever beloved Lord Almighty who had been my Light all through my Life !!! 

More interesting news gonna come w.r.to ma Guitars.....taking few steps hope I succeed in it.

IPL too hit the Small screen from April 4th 2012....IPL Fever !!

Hope April will be a Divine one for me !!! Praying for the Best :) :D 
Ciao folks !!


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Hey Yaaaaaa !!

Howdy Folksssssssssssss??

Long time uh ! Almost a month since I have posted something on ma Blog !
Anyway I was quite busy with loads of stuffs on Professional and Personal front. More over cos of Lent I have been not much into blogging, still ma lent is there but cos today it was power shut had time to take rest and do some blogging. 

Chalo Start with a good news -- which hpnd on 03/03/12 ! I was inducted as a Managing Partner in Chrisna Products and Services ! The most proudest and happiest moment which only a first generation Entrepreneur will understand. 
Thank you for all your wishes and prayers once again ! Without ur support I wouldn't have achieved this. 

Apart from that lots of interesting projects and challenges came across which I will be happy to share as time goes by. 
Meanwhile I had a great chance to visit Coimbatore for the 1st time !! It was a wonderful city but no current made me little boring. It was just a day's visit.

An interesting Bookmark Incident hpnd in Coimbatore. Met my friend  Bala's mom !! I have been talking with right from 2004 the day when we became hostel mates. I used to talk with her and console her !! Still he has been updating all things abt me, she was so happy to meet me. Really It was a day to Bookmark in ma life !! I thank God !!  

Coming on personal front, touched ma Love after a gap of 3 months - Ma Guitar !!
Wow it was yet another gr8 feel when I touched it and played it ! 
Have few plans to step up to the next phase may be to start playing in Church or anywhere, just looking for a platform as of now, hopefully I will succeed.  

Apart from that, Sachin's 100th ton --- Just enjoyed it followed by some brilliant batting by young gun Kohli in epic Ind vs Pak match !

Summer has started out in Chennai :( Its quite hard and hot really, donno how I am gonna face it in "Dog Days i.e. Agni Natchathiram" :(Planning to visit Nellai in April end or May 1st week for a spl event !! Just planning for it ! 

Last, today succeeded in designing the Blog Profile picture, the cluster pic it took me almost 2 weeks to design it, tuts also one of the reason why I was outta blogging. I have changed the entire look and have made it quite more personal.

Chalo this was the happenings in a matter of last 30 odd days, hopefully I will be back to blogging. 

Drop your comments :) :D

Love you all for all your support and wishes ! 

Praise The Lord !!


Saturday 25 February 2012

Nostalgia - A True Incident !!

A day to freeze and a day to be always Cherished - February 24th 2010!!! 

Really a nostalgic day !! 
Guessing why ? read the rest of the post you will understand !

I was doing my MBA final semester and I was asked to come to college for the Class Photo shoot. We all guys went in Uniform - White Shirt + Black Pant + Tie. 

But almost by 10 we guys were asked to go home. Still remember we all got so irritated but still we were used it, so our bunch of guys decided to get down in Porur near to college to one of friends (Mukthar & Azizur) room. 

Then the nostalgia happened ! 
It was the 2nd match between India and South Africa, one of our friend Alex who was a die hard of cricket said lets go and watch match in his home which is also in Porur. But we guys decided chalo lets go for a Movie. 

So we went to Vadapalani - Kamala Theatre but we were almost one hour before the movie so had no other go :( Just to sit and while away time in front of the theatre. If I am not wrong we went to "Theerathey Villayattu Pillai" :) Mark ma words, Sun Tv took the distributorship that time we thught it will house fulls but only 3 rows from top were full. The movie was a commercial movie ! 
It was kinda funny but we guys got so bored with the movie, but meanwhile something else interesting and a History was scripted in Gwalior !!!!

Yo guys ----------------It was Sachin's 200 !

It was something around in half time, I checked my score in Mobile that Sachin scored 100* and he was something in 132* range ! 
We thought ok good ! 

Later after half time, when I updated he was on 180*, that's when we guys were not able to grip our seat and when he crossed 186* we no longer were there in our seats !! 
I still remember we just ran like Mad dogs out of the theatre and got glued up to Vivek's Showroom outlet !

When we went he was in 192*  and Dhoni was in 18* runs ! 
Dhoni so was so fluent that day. 

The roar started when Sachin rchd 195, the first man of the planet to reach tut land mark. Meanwhile Dhoni was smashing the ball all around the park, we all were scolding Dhoni that he is not giving opportunity to Sachin ! 

Was just Thrilling Moment of my Life !! 

The Time came --- Sachin's 200 -- Mark ma words, we guys were just roaring and shouting just outside the outlet and dancing on the road. 

I used to wonder how ppl are just crazy watching the match outside the showroom but when I had the real time experience I just Loved it. 

Gaawwdd still remember the roar and the how crazy we were that day ! Whole day we were in frustration cos of College and followed by a boring movie but our evening was one the most memorable one !! 

Chalo guys don't wanna make you wait for too long, I will leave you with a video which I edited sday !!

You can see the real celebration and fun which we had that day !! The dance, the jumps and the roar !! 
Proud to be a Sachin Fan !! 

I would love to see your comments on our celebration !!! 

P.S.: This video should have been post by yesterday but since my wonderful internet connected was taking too much time to get uploaded in Youtube, I am posting it today !! But neva the less, I have succeeded in it. I had this video 2 years back itself, thught of editing it in a much grand manner way but I guess, somethings shudn't be kept away too long ! So Just went ahead and edited in a matter of 30 min and uploaded it !!! 


Sunday 19 February 2012


Had a terrific :( :( start to the day ! 
I needed to go to Tirupattur today from my office to attend one of my client's marriage with my partner. The plan was scheduled at 4.30 a.m.

Woke up at 3.00 a.m. got ready by 3.45 a.m. and started. But to my bad time I didn't had enuf petrol :( 

My indicator was showing crossing E when I started but no sooner I wud have crossed just less than 1 km the indicator fell below E :( I thugt Joe ur gone man ! 

I rchd Petrol Bulk but those non-sense idiots though they have put 24 hours refused to fill. They just said we will open only by 6 not before that. I just pushed to another bulk in a hurry but ma bad fate that too was closed. 

Man, one part it was a mistake on ma part, but when they have put 24 hours they shud keep the words nah, at least when customers are asking they shud respond. The petrol meter too was in "ON" ! 

Then had a 2 kms walk with my bike to ma Chithi's home, transferred petrol form Chitappa's bike and rchd 30 min late. Already I was damn tired cos of waking up at 3 on top of that early morning walk. 
It was a different experience all together, first time had a drive at morning 
4 a.m. :) 

Chalo wateva hpnd is hpnd ! It was an another good day I will consider. 
Praise Lord ! 
Good Night !!!!!


Thursday 16 February 2012

10 cm + 6 months.....to be continued !

10 cm + 6 months....to be continued ! 

Its been 6 months still I am on it and it has come to almost 10 cm :) 
Still you ppl are thinking? 

Its my Curls & Curly Hairs ! 
Guys growing and maintaining hair is not easy as I thought and on top of that Hard core Hard & Curly hairs really uff , but still it is like an adventure. Many say I am gifted to have curls so why shud I hide it but always keeping it short. 

It was my Dad who wished initially to make my curls long. So planned up in the month of July 2011, initially didn't had how I am gonna grow and maintain it. 

It became so weird initially but thanks to good frnd of mine Suresh my Hairstylist / Hairdresser, a young chap who encouraged me to grow my hair. He just said "Sir, Go ahead I will help you out". Mark ma words folks he is damn patient and trims, gives razor edges and gives a complete new look for the last 5 sittings in the last 6 months. 

Later at the end of November I really wanted to chop off but Dad still kept encouraging and I just took decision ok lemme condition it regularly and so far so good I have succeeded in it. 

I May sound as if I am talking off my hat but to grow dense forest type hair, daily washing and drying it, really needs patience. 

To comb was the nightmare after having a good amount of hair. So in January combed it and succeeded in putting pony tail ;) Yo I succeded in tut also, but tut look didn't suit me at all. So back to curls. 

Since ma hair is dense it needed daily care and oil in sufficient amount so make it dry  free :( Also it needed to be kept away from the dust, so no other go had to wear helmet so head and hair safety most important LIFE safety :) Apart from that it needs Hair Spa every month and regular razor cuts to feel light and to loosen my hair strands. 

At the end of the show whateva difficulty and challenges I am facing in growing, I am still on the hunt and I am loving it. 

I just love when ppl get amazed and watch my hair, it is some kind of proud and selfishness which I am Loving it. 

I know many in this world have similar hair like me and many have even longer than, I just owe and appreciate for maintaining it. 

 So far so good is what I should say, on an honest note. I donno this experiment of growing hair will help me to make my Auspicious Valentine Day's resolution special and ease :) 

Am just experimenting my hair styles each month. Today had a hair spa and little bit of razor cuts. 
Still can't judge where I will end up or when I will stop or even finalize it but so far I am keep my mind set simple - Just grow and of course maintain it most care. 

so just want to end up the post where I started ------- to be continued

Love you Folks !! 
Ciao all in ma next post !!! 

I have put all my pics of the past 6 months in a sequential manner of its length and more curls. 


P.S. :Love you folks, for all the support which you have been giving to make this blog active. 

Tuesday 14 February 2012

!! Ma Auspicious Valentine's Day !!

It took me 48 hours to decide and post this particular post !  
Guessing why I took time? Cos this decision of Mine is a once in a life time decision I suppose lol :P :P 

After Shocker Statement and my recent post in FB [{(which unnoticed by many ;) ;) }] I have decided chalo lemme decide something weird - to fall in Love ;)  I know I may sound crazy at the end of this post but I don't care ;) 

Wait wait wait, now guys don't imagine anything and ask for any sorts of treats and all ! 

It is just a seedling stage, I have just decided lemme taste the Kick and Thrill of Love ;) I know it will be pain and it will hit my emotions and attitude hard, but I would Love to experience that.

Arey guys, we live only once so lemme have the fun. 
OK ! now you folks must be thinking about who is that girl is right? To be honest, It is still on Hunt !

So far, it is not like that I have not fallen or liked or had infatuations towards girls. I had all those stuffs, infact tried with so called proposals and all with one girl but when I analyzed I came to know they are not my cup of tea cos of quite a number of reasons. 

I know it will be a hard and difficult to get the right pair. My concept is simple, if I get the right one, I swear I will make her my Life Partner. It is a promise on this public forum which I am making to my Girl, I will surely keep up my words and will not let our Love down once we get committed. I will keep you happy forever. 

But to get a girl who suits my Attitude, my Character and my Taste will be a difficult task, also I know to get a girl suited to all the above mentioned parameters would be a tough ask ;) I will manage if I get thru with atleast 2 parameters. Just wanted to shout to the world and tell and let it reach to my Girl :

"I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I would stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away."

Inspiration from my Fav. number - The Hero by Enrique 

So my Girl where are you ? lol :P :P 
When I get committed I wud be happy to share this post to her in future. Hope she likes it. 

As I mentioned earlier in my post earlier, Mom and Dad will accept any girl just have only few reasonable logical conditions - Should be a Protestant Christian as simple as eva;) So no chance I won't be against their wishes. 

At the end of this post, I am thinking how crazy I was when I posted post - Being Single Rocks on same day 2 years ago. I would still go with that words, Being Single Rocks, but I would like to add that Being Committed would be Rocking and also Challenging with Thrills. 

Happy Valentine's Day  to all those who are committed, All the Best for all those are gonna make their proposals today and all those who are Single and; happy the way they are - My wishes for you ;) :D I know Valentine's Day in real doesn't meant only for the people who are committed it was actually for the 14 honoring one or more early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine. So let's spread Love to all !! 

So chalo, I have made up my mind so what's next? 
Need to Hunt down my Girl ! 

I want this post to be an interactive forum. I need your tips. I would be happy to see your positive comments / pokes / criticism and suggestions folks ! Feel free to scribble. 

Love you all for your support !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
