On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Thursday 28 August 2014

Architectural Bondage !!!

Challenge #02

Architect & ma Bondage

Well a tricky challenge thrown by my tall friend, but I am not gonna kindify any past which he is expecting.
I once was crazy in love with Architecture, infact was an architect too. I used to build Huts, Farmhouses, Small Townships, even Castles and also a large Pyramid Temple. Still guessing? Not in my dreams. I am talking about “Age of Empires” folks. Yeah I used to be addicted with that wonderful game of architecture.
 Now don’t stare at my post. Calm Down.

I am always an Architect lover but never wanted to be one in my life.

But my bondage with it has endured with it forever. My thatha was a pucca Architect. Still admire each of his finishing which has done for our home built in 1980. So the bondage is there right for me and with my thatha? Same applies to my uncle. I have a good number of Architecture friends. I salute them for the wonderful works they do. I am a great admirer for Architecture and any architect. I just love them and love their creativity.

So here ends the post of my Bondage with Architect.

p.s.: Now, this post was thrown by my friend with a different intention, I am not gonna create mess in my blog and have kept in simple. If there is no humour, then ask the person who suggested this topic.
Following posts to come are the awesome ones.....so wait for the posts to come.

Meanwhile I am editing this post, bcos forgot to mention that I have a Thangachi who is an Architecture. I donno whether she is a good architect but she is claiming to be one. But guarantee she has a good humor sense than me. Hopefully this post may have part II version with the mix of my Architect knowledge and her Humor Knowledge :) :D

My level of Architecture


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