On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Friday 29 August 2014

Long time Ago - A Lie !

Challenge #03

How many of your remember your first Lie of your life?

Ok how many of your remember your Lie which led to serious consequences?

Well I don’t remember the first part but the latter will never forget.

This incident goes back 5th grade. I was in K.V School, Kharaghpur. En route to the gate from my class used to be very far to reach my cycle stand. There used to be a compound wall laid with Glass pieces in it. We guys often used to take the short cut by jumping via the wall and reaching our cycle.

One such day was not a normal day. Still remember I forgot my Geometry box at home and came to school. I badly needed else would get punishment. So I had to rush back to my home. I took the short cut and unfortunately glass pieces pierced my palm. I immediately tied a Hand-Kerchief around my palm & rushed to home.

I reached home but nightmare was waiting at the door step – “My Dad”. He was supposed to go to morning shift but that particular day he was changed to afternoon shift. When I entered forgot to remove the Kerchief and took my Geometry box. He was sharp enough to catch me red handed and asked what happened.
Next what happened was the most memorable moment.....

Any guesses???

Here goes my Statement – “Some guys were playing Cricket near my classroom and I was standing near a glass window, watching the match. At that time, the ball came and hit on the window, the glasses splashed and pierced aiming my palm.”.

Dad did not give any strange reactions. He asked me to go to school. I thought I was escaped with my great statement and was happy. But that happiness lasted only till night.

Dad asked me to repeat the statement. With no hesitation I told the same statement and the next second I was on floor. Guys, have you heard of “Suthi Suthi and Round Katti Adikarathu?” (In English to be precise "Beaten to Blue), that was the scene after my statement.

I am still having a big smile on my face after reading my own version statement which I told that day. Wondering how Idiot I was to tell such a non-sense Lie. Of course got the punishment too. Love you Dad for giving me such a wonderful memories.

Well this my one such Lie which I will freeze my entire life. I have loads more in my list, but this tops all the other.

p.s.: The topic given to me was “My First Lie”, but since I don’t remember that I modified to this post. It was suggested by same sister who gave the Challenge #01 to me. Looking forward to the post to write given by another tall friend. A real humor filled one.
Cya in the next Challenge #03.


Thursday 28 August 2014

Architectural Bondage !!!

Challenge #02

Architect & ma Bondage

Well a tricky challenge thrown by my tall friend, but I am not gonna kindify any past which he is expecting.
I once was crazy in love with Architecture, infact was an architect too. I used to build Huts, Farmhouses, Small Townships, even Castles and also a large Pyramid Temple. Still guessing? Not in my dreams. I am talking about “Age of Empires” folks. Yeah I used to be addicted with that wonderful game of architecture.
 Now don’t stare at my post. Calm Down.

I am always an Architect lover but never wanted to be one in my life.

But my bondage with it has endured with it forever. My thatha was a pucca Architect. Still admire each of his finishing which has done for our home built in 1980. So the bondage is there right for me and with my thatha? Same applies to my uncle. I have a good number of Architecture friends. I salute them for the wonderful works they do. I am a great admirer for Architecture and any architect. I just love them and love their creativity.

So here ends the post of my Bondage with Architect.

p.s.: Now, this post was thrown by my friend with a different intention, I am not gonna create mess in my blog and have kept in simple. If there is no humour, then ask the person who suggested this topic.
Following posts to come are the awesome ones.....so wait for the posts to come.

Meanwhile I am editing this post, bcos forgot to mention that I have a Thangachi who is an Architecture. I donno whether she is a good architect but she is claiming to be one. But guarantee she has a good humor sense than me. Hopefully this post may have part II version with the mix of my Architect knowledge and her Humor Knowledge :) :D

My level of Architecture


Wednesday 27 August 2014

Being Pilferer !!

Challenge # 01

Now those know the meaning of Pilfer, the suspense might be over ! Those who don’t you will get to know as you keep reading.

How many of you remember all the notorious works you have done during your Childhood? Well I remember most of them.

One such moment was to get Rs.1 – Orange Ice without the knowledge of Dad. I used to be quite mischievous when I was a kid. Dad never allowed me to take the Ice-Cream from the road side or from the Ice Cart fellow bcos of it's quality. But who used to listen when we were young?

My nerves and my brain used to get alarmed when I hear the bells of the Ice Cart fellow. Immediately look into my Piggy Bank for money but my Dad and Mom always used to get double alert when they hear the bell sound and always have a look at it.

But somehow I get an Ice_cream always. Guess How?

Both Dad and Mom had their eyes on my Piggy Bank but never used to notice their own purses. Lol :P :P

Yes, I used to take Rs.1 – Ek Rupaya from any one of them and tell some lies that I am going to terrace to play but run via different entrance of the Air Force Quarters and get the Ice-Cream. This used to be my regular activity.

I wouldn't define it as stealing. I would call it as a Pilfer (to steal (minor items), esp. in small quantities). A small notorious act.

My other pilfering activities for the same Rs.1 used to be for buying Balloon – Apple Shaped Ones, buying Goti / Marbles (Goli ka in Tamil), ropes for Kites & few more.

Now, you guys might be thinking for this Rs.1, this guy had been pilfering? I would say, now this Rs.1 might not look big now but guys of 80’s rewind your past to our Childhood just imagine how precious that Rs.1 used to be. How many things we used to get with that Rs.1 those days.

Rarely used to get caught by Dad for such things, but always escape by buttering some Lie. Still I don’t know whether Mom & Dad knew I was doing such things those times, but I will cherish those moment all throughout my life. Even now have no idea how my Mom and Dad would react if they come to know how their son used to nab around Rs.1 from their pockets and purses.

Feeling nostalgic & happy at the end.

Chalo #Challenge #01 is over.

Cya in the next #Challenge

p.s.: This challenge was thrown by my closie. Kudos to her for giving me such a wonderful childhood kindling topic. Hope I have kept my Humor in this particular topic. Names of the person who suggested each topic will be published after the 1st round of challenge.


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Challenge of Being Humor !!!!!

Off late got more interested in Blogging and last week had thrown a challenge to all my close and known Blog followers.....

The challenge was to gimme a Humor Topic. A complete imaginative, something which they want to ask about me etc. etc...

Initially the responses were lukeworm but till today I have got School day's related topic, An Animal Kingdom topic, A Thirller topic, A Notorious topic, A past rekindling topic, My first XXXX topics, A very mindblogging topic and last not humor but a challenging topic.

I am just confused how I am gonna keep it on trot but will surely write them.

I hope I will keep up ma words to make it humorous in each topic.

Chalo cya all in ma Challenge !!!!

Thank ya guys for the topic......


Monday 25 August 2014


An Advisor, A Counsellor, A mobile guru, My companion for Veg restaurants, A person who loves to stretch out his arms to practice Kick Boxing, A F.R.I.E.N.D, but all in all my Bhaiya.

My DJ – Deepak Jain Bhaiya. 

Words aren’t sufficient to define him but our Bondage is special and will endure forever.
Though I know him for the past 10 years being in same locality, its last say 4 years our relationship has grown strength to strength. Really don’t remember any particular incident why we became close but it happened for a reason. I thank God for giving me such a wonderful Bhaiya in my life.

He has been all in my ups and downs in the past 4 years and guess it’s vice versa for me too for him.
He knows my little to larger secret. It was by his advise I did a particular act, but it he himself who consoled me and took me outta that depression when that act didn’t work out. Even recently he stood for me in a very crucial situation. I won’t thank him for that; b’cos guess it was his responsibility. He will kick me off too if I thank him..

As mentioned on top, my companion for all my FB Check-In’s of VEG menus. As an old proverd says, if be with DJ Bhaiya be Veggie. Infact I have never regretted being a Veggie when I am with him. He suggest some delicious dishes when we goes out (Only thing gets irritated with the hotel fellow if the Naan is not Crispy & not Ghee topped properly).

We both share a very special hobby. Mine is to always pull his leg ( I love to do that always and will continue to do) and his is to hobby is to Kick boxing with me ( Luckily he has left Gym off late). We both become kids when we fight with each other. He has purchased a long steel scale just to target me when I pull his leg. I had been always on alert so far. He has made a special cabin “office room” for me. I am sure I am gonna get good massage someday. These things I bet you guys can’t be valued or measured or got or purchased anywhere. Such things are called - #Nostalgia #Bondage. Time to pull his leg before I go to the next line -- He is an ardent ardent fan of Shah Ru Khan  --- #SRK's Die hard fan and faithful follower of Rahul Gandhi ( he resembles like him too). Now I will be getting some nice punches for this....aaaiyaaa jolly jolly.

I like one big thing about him, he never keeps anything in his heart particularly to me. Good or Bad he says to me immediately. He takes full privilege on me and tell anything to me. I have never felt bad about that. That’s the special about our r’ship.

I wanna keep it short, be in any situation he has been for me, with me and in front of me shielding me.

I know in past many have relished his r’ship as mine but have neva kept their bondage and have neglected him. But guess mine is different situation, he didn’t treat me as them. He has given me spl. Room in his heart for me and it’s my responsibility to be liable for that.

It’s my responsibility to keep that bondage glued up with a Fevicol called Love.
Open Statement ::: Guys, those who have considered his Frndship & R’ship lightly I would say ---- You have done the biggest mistake in your life.

Incidentally, you guys may be not lucky as me b’cos as he no longer makes Frndship easily with anyone anymore (Secret revealed).

Only one thing is still pending in our r’ship --- we both have never taken a Photograph together, except on his marriage. But I am happy bcos real r’ship doesn’t need a photograph to be framed we both have framed each other in our hearts. One more thing is pending for a long time. He had been asking me to teach Guitar but I swear before my Guitar breaks into two pieces with his hands I will teach him for sure.

BTW we share the same short forms for name – “DJ” – Dnel Joe & Deepak Jain – Whatta coincidence – Brothers – Made for Each others

Love yaa Bhaiyaaaaa.......................I owe you my R’ship to you.

Loads more to write but not share everything on the same post.I will wrap up this post.

Wait, wait, wait............................guess I forgot something......................
It’s his Birthday today guys.....I would request all my Blog readers and this post readers to just take a few min. to wish him Good Luck and Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooonggg Life for his future & wish him for his Bday. It's ok if you post it with belated wishes.

I am sooo happy for this year's bday of his b'cos he has a wonderful Family now ( a complete one), business have started to grow with a wonderful Team members to back him. Just wish this continues for him for ever and let him grow more and more with prosperity and health.

Haaaaaaapppppyyyy Birthday Bhaiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

#GodBless you Abundantly


Saturday 23 August 2014

Madras Day

#Madrasinapattinam << ----- >> Chennai

#Madras #375 is the call of the day for 22nd August 2014 and #MadrasWeek 15th to 23rd August.
Am gonna share my take on #Madras #Chennai over the last 10 years of stay.

#Madras to me till the age of 18 were only two places – Central Station and Egmore station. In childhood / schooldays, when travelling from North India to Nellai, used to halt Central Station one whole day and catch the night train to Nellai. Still remember there used to be a huge TV in the center of the Station and Tom & Jerry cartoon used to be telecasted. The station always used to be buzzed with people moving up and down. On the other side, announcements of train arrivals & departures. I just used to wonder why people keep moving like mad here and there.

Magic of Tag Madrasi : Till I stayed in North India I had a tag name in my colony - #Madrasi. I used to get little irritated but now when I remember I feel happy and proud that I was called Madrasi even before I stepped in Madras.

2004-2014: My #Chennai Life. 
Year 2004, was a turnaround I stepped into a city called Chennai. I was a kid when I came and now what I am is all b’cos of Chennai. My Education, Friends, my Work, my Spiritual activities and loads more all bcos I put up at Chennai. During our initial days of college, I was so excited to explore Chennai mainly bcos I was away from home and had the full freedom to roam around any streets at any time.

Spencer Plaza: Our 1st hangout places during weekends would always used to be #SpencerPlaza. Ask me each and ever en-route of it, I would tell. During my college strike I used to go by cycle from Chetpet to Spencers daily with my friend Dinesh to kill time. The place was always alive those days bcos there were no other big Malls & used to be the best hangout place for guys like us. Me and friend used to have lunch on roadside opposite to Spencers under a big banner. Till now if you ask me which Mall do you like I would say I love Spencers but need to acknowledge the malls like #EA #Phoenix #CitiCentre etc. are the more attractive hub for young people. Last 10 years the expansion of malls, no words to say.

Beach: Ask anybody around the world, if you are coming to Chennai, the first place they would like to go is to #Marina Beach. This beach is kinda nostalgic to me. Guess, was in 5th grade I crossed via bus en-route to Trichy on Beach road, Dad showed me this is Beach my dear son. I was like AAAWWW. The more aaawww reaction was when I witnessed it in 2008. These 10 years I have visited almost all the beaches of Chennai. I had played and had enjoyed in all the beaches of #Chennai. Recently I am in love with the #ECR Side beaches. Those are just calm and very few people come and many aren’t aware of it. Most important are clean. Just love to spend time there.

EMU: Any person in Chennai would have traveled atleast once in #EMU. India is famous for one the largest network of Railways, and our Chennai #EMU is one of the most integral part of it. I have enjoyed a lot travelling by EMU. Ask me, I had got into the most crowded train of Chennai EMU. I have hung and have stood on the edges by holding the bar of the train with 3 fingers of the entrance quite a few times. Let the train move, jog and get into the train were the favorite moments for us. With the commencement of Metro Rail I am sure Chennai’s train network would be still more exciting to travel. Even once I blogged a post about EMU - http://djoephilip.blogspot.in/2010/03/emu-metro.html

Road-Side shops: These are the main business hubs of Chennai. #IdlyKadai #MuttaiDosai #Vadai #Soup #ChickenPakoda #Chicken65 #Briyani #Bajji etc. are the delicious Hot Spot for any road side eaters. Ask me I would have tasted every single shop on Tambaram –Velachery road till Pallikaranai. I have relished all the foods of road side shops in Chennai. One of the most delicious hub was “Alsa Mall Bread Omlet”.

Fast Foods & Restaurants: There would be many Fast Food famous cities in India. But I would say Chennai has one of the best hotels and restaurants. Fast Foods as the name suggested are dynamic in the Chennai city. It would make you think whether people cook food at their home. Take it weekend night all the prominent restaurants would be queued up with people.

LIC Building: See any old Tamil movie they show LIC building as one the acknowledgement to Madras. I once had a chance to go into the marvelous historic movie building.

Vandaloor Zoo: This place is one the most unique places in Chennai. Yes Chennai is crowded with people but there is one calm place which is Vandaloor Zoo. It may be in the outskirts of Chennai but people come prominently to visit the zoo. I would have visited with my friends say 25+ times and twice with my family. Still ask me to go tomorrow, I would love to go and have a good walk.

Kathipara Junction : This has become one of the prominent junction of the Chennai. Still remember, before the bridge there used to be a huge traffic till Airport and same would be the status on the other 3 sides for almost 3 kms in a stretch. After its arrival travel has been to ease crossing guindy to larger extent.

Full Meals: Take any South Indian, Lunch time 8 outta 10 would prefer always Full Meals. With the arrival of Saravana Bhavan, Vasantha Bhavan and many more chain restaurants Full Meals has always been the favorite order for Luncheon. I love the varieties and colorfulness in the food.

Ranganathan Street: This Street would be hardly 500 meters long and 20 feet wider, but people crossing this street are mind blowing. Take it festive season people don’t walk they float. During college days I have enjoyed walking the streets of Ranganathan street mainly for Rs.2 samosa, Sugarcane juice and Kulfi Ice-Cream of Saravana Store. All those were the famous time pass junks to grab.

Radio channel: I am not sure whether how many cities have popular Radio channels as Chennai city has. During my hostel days the only source of enjoyment was Radio. All old & new songs and NEWS channels were our entertainment.

Kaapi: Call it Coffee or Kaapi both may sound alike but it’s not the same. I have tasted many coffees from popular Coffee Hubs but none can match the Chennai Kaapi in the dubra cups. The strong aroma and taste, have just 5 sips you will be never forget the taste of Kaapi in your life. I have tasted almost all the Kaapi’s hubs of Chennai.

Climate : If you feel the Sultry and Humid being India then your Google map will point that you are at Chennai. One the most humid cities of India. I have experienced many cities around the world but none can match Chennai in humidity. But that is beauty of Chennai.

The Hindu : There may be many newspapers around worldwide, but come Chennai you will witness #TheHindu as one of the prominent newspapers among Chennai people. I personally like the language used in the newspaper. It gives you an awesome start to the morning.

Language: Being from Tirunelveli when I fist came I was total clueless about the pucca Chennai ppl's language. I would not understand even now to some extent. But chennai has taught some new which any other cities can't. #Machi & #Mappi these two words means alot among the friends circle. I donno how coined those words. Prefix Usage of "Da" is common in Chennai, there will be no doubt in future if Oxford accepts DA as a new word in their Dictionary.

Chepauk Stadium & Chennai Super Kings: These two have a strong connection between them. I haven’t gone to Chepauk stadium to witness India matches but more to witness #CSK matches.
#WhistlePodu moments for CSK are one of the prominent tagline of #CSK. The respect the crowd gives to the game of cricket is mind blowing. I have heard many commentators used to say, be it Chepauk they respect every opposition. Guess once when Pakistan won against India, the crowd applauded for the victory. My personal favorite match was #IndVsSA test match in which #Sehwag hit 300+, the memories are still fresh and nostalgic.

These are the few destinations and experiences which I have enjoyed in Chennai. There are few more experiences I would like to just tag them – Travelling in crowded Share-Auto, Theme Parks, Sathyam Theatres, Sitting in the upper portion of 18A Double Ducker Bus, Paani-Poori, British Council library, Star hotels etc.

Chalo, time to wrap up the post I will keep scribbling if asked to share more……

Whatever and However you call #Madras or #Chennai – it has been ma Second Home land. I have loved Chennai and will always love. Ask me to work in any other city than Chennai, I would never work.
The hospitality, the people , secured environment and lots more makes me Love Chennai every day more and more.

I loveee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #Chennai

Proud #Madrasi.

Wiki Link of #Madras day : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madras_Day


Friday 22 August 2014


It's been long , I have had a companion to be in my room. The day was neva too long when I got him.

Just a mood sparkled in my mind to have a pet.

I am always fond of pet but unfortunately become lazy when time goes by and don't maintain them. Alas it's my dad who does it always. So at home dad never encourages me to have one. But I was determined to have atleast a Betta Fighter Fish which required less maintenance and less care taking.

Dad got ma Fish bowl from Nellai last week. I was damn happy.
I browsed through all the streets of Tamabram and alas found the destination near my home itself. I ordered an imported one bcos the one which they were having were too small and not elegant. Alas on Monday evening, I succeeded in getting it. When I had a first look at it, it wasn't so elegant and looked normal. But I was wrong.

My Word, the moment I put it in ma bowl it sprang into the waters and acknowledged its presence by spreading its wings and moving across the bowl.

I never had such a lovely and wonderful Betta Fighter fish with me.

I have named him RIO.

Rio as it name suggests is manly and cute bro of mine. So far he is happy with the environment, and has adopted with me. God willing Planning to get few more Betta of different varieties.

I thank God for giving me such a wonderful bro to me.



Sunday 10 August 2014


2014 – everything this year is turning out to be a decade celebration for me….
My life in Chennai started 10 years ago, My College life started 10 years ago, I started living alone from my parents 10 years ago and loads more….but there is one more nostalgic moment.

It’s a relationship, a relation called “Sister” which I had been getting all these 10 years. Being a single child, I got a Brother after 18 years my Chithi’s son. I love him to the core but always wanted Sister in my life too. I repeat sister, but God has been so kind that he gave few lovable Sistersssss and didn’t stop with Sister. How great is my God.

This blog goes about few special persons in my life and one person by in large. Hope I will not miss out few others sisters whom I got in the last 10 years….

Year 2004, we met in a common friend’s brother marriage. She was introduced by my friend Pradeep. She was charming and hailed from Chennai. I had a little hesitation in talking with her honestly bcos she was from Chennai. But I was wrong she was so soft spoken and fun loving girl. On usual note we shared loads of things and our bondage kept building stronger and stronger. Her families were so good natured and accepted me as son too. Mom was so kind that she used to prepare another lunch for me in college days and she used to bring two lunch boxes, one for me and one for her.

Really brings tears if I think about those moments. Her family never had hesitation in talking with me or sending her with me anywhere.  But as every relationship goes by we had our own fights and misunderstanding. We had been without talking for a period max of 7 months I guess. We had similar fights many times. We had all our ups and downs. During our college days many of us spoke ill about our r’ship but till now we never cared about those rumours or any such comments. We have a good circle of friends who believe strongly in our r’ship just as us, we respect their belief in us. She knows in and out about me and so as I know in and out about her. As our relationship touched a decade, we are matured enough now to larger extent, and now it was her decision to be forget immediately our fights and speak the next day. Of late still we have our own misunderstandings but we speak immediately. Every year she never failed to tie me rakhi, she always cherished that day a lot with due respect. She hardly calls me with respect its always been “Dai Anna” but I like that attitude of her. I will keep it short.
People call her Raghavi but I call her "Pappu". 

The next in the list is a naughty sister. It was God’s will that we got close. She is damn mischievous to the core that I call her “Vaalu” always. She always cherished me by calling like that.
The name suits her a lot. I donno how but we share another lovable bondage amongst us. The happiest moments are when we pull the leg of my frnd. She loves me, teasing him to the core and boosts me up. He too cooperates with me lol :p . The most unexpected thing in our relationship is when she has problem and when she is ill. So far, whenever she is ill my instinct pops up to ask her whether she is OK. She always say how come you know Anna. I say I donno, some intuition makes me ask and almost 98% I had been right. Its all His will. She is always comfortable in sharing me her moments with me. She never treated me as a new person, right from day 1 we started to talk and chat we had been gelling well together. Should appreciate my frnd who neva feel bad when I team up wid her and tease Him around. People call her Pinky but I call her Vaalu. 

The next sister is another special person. It was a certain circumstances which made me close to her. I don’t want to reveal any past but we share a special bondage. Even though she is well matured girl, I helped her out to come outta a difficult circumstances. I was so happy when she announced that she is getting married and even scribbled a blog if I am not wrong (http://djoephilip.blogspot.in/2011/12/shhhhhhhh-my-sister-getting-married-d.html) and (http://djoephilip.blogspot.in/2012/01/time-to-reveal-shhhhhhhh-my-sister.html….she is now happily married with an awesome person and I am really happy for her.

There are my chithi’s daughter too, but they are kids as compared to my age bracket but still they are always close to my hears as others. 
They are very younger to me but love me to the core. Well this is the chance to get down to their age bracket and play with them. Saronika and Caadu kutty are always my Chellams.

I have a Didi, an elder one in my list its - Mandakini Didi. An elder sister who was my additional guide for my Biotech project. She always used to call me chottu (brother) with kindness. She used to always guide right through out my Project work. I cherish her relationship always. It was her idea and motivation which made me to do MBA. I never had any idea about what to do after my BTech. She insisted to do give CAT and MAT Exams but it was too late, but asked somehow do MBA and told you are good in Organizing and managing stuff when she heard about my organizing skills. Love you Didi for every lil piece of advice which you gave me in those 3 months. 

There are few more but if I keep on writing this blog will never end…..:P Just wanna remind their names Sumitra, Anyathi Anu Vargheese all are sisters to and cherish their relationship with them. Sorry if I had missed anyone in the list. 

God has been always kind towards me for giving me such nice persons in my life. I will always cherish them and their relationship no matter whatever circumstance arise. 

Love you all my sisters :) 


Friday 8 August 2014

College Life Re-Lived ‘ 2014

A decade has passed but the memories of college still jumping to core in the hearts, guessing how?
It’s all b’cos of one single reason – F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Those 7 magical letters are the major junk of last 10 years of all our Biotech mates. Now shouldn’t that be celebrated??

We didn’t any had any second thought of leaving that day without making it GRAND. We celebrated that day in Style....the rest of the blog you guys decide whether it was celebrated in Style or not.

August 1st Sunday has a become a customary to Biotech Batch Mates to get-together. This year was a special one, it was a Hat-Trick of our G2G and also the celebration of #DecadeFriendship !!
On usual note, I was honoured to organize once again for the G2G but this year with more support and guidance of my other organizers. Without them this wouldn’t had been possible. I should acknowledge their support.

It started in the month of May when we started to look for Resorts. Our main focus was unique this time:
1. It should be comfortable for all the friends coming with their family & Kids
2. Guys coming single should have unlimited fun
3. Most important should be a Private Party

We had no option left but to go for Individual guest house and we freezed to Lakshmi Gardens. We booked it on time with Food.

Next was Cake, credit goes to ma closie who suggested the idea. #AMileStone theme cake. It was appreciated by everyone. Owe ma appreciation to her.
The big day was on 3rd of August 2014. To be honest was quite nervous. Made calls to everyone on the way and was confirming one by one. But ma frnds, didn’t let me down all were so enthu to make it to the day.
It started with usual Hi-Fi team up and candid photo shoots and followed with early Luncheon.

After a long time all guys assembled and were involved in activity. It was real challenge to bring together but again credit goes to them to be so cooperative. They all gelled well for all the rounds of activity.

This time we were sure not to leave the Couples out of out the party, we made sure they were engaged in a sportive game. It was a real fun filled game. All the couples just were rocking to the core.
Meanwhile all the kids were having fun in the swimming pool.

Then finally the big bash – The Cake cutting and Facials....
This time, we made sure not to do any cake facials with the cake so I ordered special Fresh creame’ just for the facials. The cake’s theme and taste was appreciated by everyone.
Everything we did on that day was turning out to be really appreciated. All thanks to God Almighty who was leading the day.

We didn’t miss-out the Grand day to be captured under SLR lenses. It took time to bring all within one frame but the fruit of waiting is always the tastiest. It was the best pic. of all when we all had the good bright laugh for the click.

We ended the day with sharing of our Momento :) I was quite finger's crossed about how guys would respond for the memento but luckily everyone were happy in seeing it.

Time was running fast as light but those who wanted to leave were slowly making the move but only with Heavy Heart and lil tears on the edges of their eyes.
Luckily the evening snack was on time and all grabbed it and made the move to their home.....

So here ends the day....

Did you think like that ??

The real party started when the family and all girls left the Guest House.
A bunch of 8 guys stayed back. Those last 3 hours of fun I would say was one those stuff which we failed in the last two years.

“Party on the Pool”. My word, we were going crazy and crazy. As the day was ending our party was getting louder. Balloon throw games under the pool, Kutthu Dance for Peppy song were the highlight of those last 3 hours of galatta. Only the guys who stayed back would know the feel. It ended with an early dinner and photo shoot and last hug of that day

Time was almost ticking 9 when I and other 2 fellaws left the Guest House.
Those 8 hours of Unlimited fun, my word....
One of my friend told “Best of all the 3 G2G”
One more friend told “One of the worthiest G2G of all”

Those words brought tears on my eyes.....as I acknowledged it wouldn’t had been possible with my fellaw organizers and my Leader God the Almighty. All Praise to God. Felt accomplished.

The nostalgic fever was heavy to the next days in our Whatsapp group and it has gone to the extent to take the G2G to next level i.e. to organize next G2G in Overseas or some outstation atleast. I mean it is not impossible, it needs oneness, gelling and one thought process to make that happen. God willing I would be thrilled to organize even that...

Chalo here ends the chapter of yet another G2G of party....the #3peat & #Hat-Trick of our #G2G and also the celebration of #DecadeFriendShip.

Owe my friendship to all those made effort to make it to the G2G. Spl appreciation who had been making to all the three G2G.

#HatsOff to all of them....

#LoveYaAll 
