On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Saturday 31 December 2011

"2_J_0_O_1_E_1 " :) :D ;) B-)

"One more day to go and New Year 2012 will be here, with the advent of new year, a new era begins and with it comes new hopes and new possibilities. Every year teaches us some of life's most important lessons, and with that learning we put our step forward into the new year."

So, all ready for 2012 ;) Whether you guys ready or not am damn looking forward for it to rock on in ma professional life :) 

2011 the year of Silver Jubilee ;) I turned 25 folks, so it was a special one in terms of Lessons learnt and Great opening to my Career ;) 

So chalo lemme have a flashback of 2011 and sum up as one post !!
2011 was yet another God's gifted and blessed year. 

As it is always scripted, ma year start in Church with God's blessings and his words. I just always be happy when I start something sply an year in a holy Church and first thing I did this year was read a Bible verse ;) :D 

This year was more bound to professional life than personal or enjoyment stuffs. It just went like a flash before I could just think to enjoy but neva the less I managed to have few fun and enjoyments too ....
But this year I should say was a beginning of Good times particularly in ma professional life which eventually will lead to happiness of my entire life. There were few downs and set backs but put together it was a wonderful year I should say...learnt a lot and neva gonna commit the same again yet again in 2012 tooooooooooo....so ready to know how ma 2011 went on??

Game on !!! 

Family & Relatives: 
Well it was yet another happy year considering the family cos Mom & Dad were safe and healthy I thank God for that very much. Apart from that my Chithu was blessed with a girl child, it was me who guessed it that it will be a girl child when everyone was expecting a boy child ;) 
Coming to ma younger lil bro, he has joined Karate class ;) well soon it will be a nightmare for me because I wont be able to control him in cuming days ;) 
Jokes apart, there was yet another reason to celebrate...reason Chithi went to separate home and that indeed brought us more closer in terms of understanding the importance of relationship and really miss the days when she was upstairs and we were downstairs. But even though she is almost a km away from our home, she and kutti came regularly, and fortunately this X'mas was a very special one, because we all celebrated together with fun and enjoyment. It was a Fantabulous Xmas this year (http://djoephilip.blogspot.com/2011/12/fantabulous-xmas.html). 
This year for the first time bought a Xmas tree and erected it and two mega stars just fulfilled the celebration of Xmas ;) 

Student Life:
Well this life seems to be a neva ending chapter lol :P :P 
February was a wonderful month cos it was my Convocation month, really had a real fun, shouting and total excitement for the one last time all together in the college campus. Mom and Dad were present, they too were proud of me.
Then later the year applied for another Distance education course in EDI Ahmadabad-- Entrepreneurship and Business Management. After this planning for Ph.D ----lol ---Dr.Joe ;) :D 
Visited Bharath Univ on professional front once. Nostalgia day. 

Friends, Surroundings and Social Networking:
This year was a bundle of few get together's and hangout but when I think of those moments it was a nostalgia events. 
Pradeep and Dinesh are the two guys I met the most in the past one year, had a wonderful reunion, check out ma posts of "Friends" in ma blog. 
Syed's Bday was one spl bashing moment when I met school mates and of course Melbourne Pushpa was in Chennai for his celebration of Xmas so we met recently in a good restaurant. 
One big bashing moment was with my MBA Folks, I guess we guys met in Hotel Marina, it was buffet and we just enjoyed the moment. It was a fabulous day. 
Apart from that had a great evening hangout on December 11th cos one of my best buddy Aneesh's daughter first marriage, it was more of kinda party and food of course met all ma UG folks... Loved that night. 
Social networking as usual was addicted to Facebook and later the year became addicted to Tweeting...hope I come outta FB and get stick to tweet. 
Whateva work may be, it is all about ma friends cos of which I am addicted to Social networking. 
Last Blogging...Yeah after the year started I was not much addicted to blogging...but took a turn around I guess by April, dusted the settings and changed the entire look by something around Oct if i am not wrong created a label -- The Happenings and started to just script whateva happening around me on a regular basis. 
There were ups and downs, misunderstandings and few set backs with ma frnds and close ppl. Had one big upset recently in Dec with one of my close, but managed to overcum by just being hard towards me. I wish she shud be blessed and happy wr eva she is. Then one of my close friend and my another sister is getting married in 2012, will announce it large after she announces (http://djoephilip.blogspot.com/2011/12/shhhhhhhh-my-sister-getting-married-d.html). Also one of my close buddy Got Committed, I was really happy when he said to me which provoked to me post it (http://djoephilip.blogspot.com/2011/09/my-friend-is-committed-d.html

Rex (http://djoephilip.blogspot.com/2011/12/rex.html) was a new gadget in my shelf of gadgets. I am just loving it, even now I am posting the blog from that only but missing my old good Black Scorpion need to use that also on regular basis. 
Got another mobile, FLY B405, kinda a basic model which looks like Blackberry with qwerty keyboards and it is a dual sim babe ;)  :D Nothing much I suppose. Planning for a high ended smart phone next year by something June ;) 
Last, Dad gifted me a wonderful Fastrack wallet for Xmas, I just loved his selection. 

Hobbies and Interest:
Well the Love for Woods and Strings continued through out this year, really I have tuned in myself now as a Chord player am happy and thrilled. Started to learn Drums but have stopped it temporarily because of Work commitments.
Hmm Photoshop nothing much I could really touch base this year. 

Personal Life:
Well this year it was yet another year to learn my lessons hard and not to repeat it again in 2012. I dont know past two years Oct has been a major set back year for me, but at the end of Oct really something good things happen. Past two years, the tide of emotions and feelings were the same but recovery was very fast that I didn't fall into the ditch and later felt for it. It was a matter of 2 weeks, but as ma dear frnd Vivek says, the best is yet to come. I am sure, God has something else which he keeping it secret for ma personal life he will release it in the coming year 2012 or in the coming years I suppose. 

Professional Life:
The Professional Life dominated the whole year. Year started with loads of encouragement in terms of monetary but had lots of set backs, raised up very hard with support from my Mentors and my Parents. Also as I would have mentioned in one of my post, it is time for the Big Game.
I just didn't dreamt of the opportunity which I am going to get in the year 2012 and on top of that am thrilled that I will start my Dream project by April. Need your support and wishes folks, will announce in detail one by one when I officially get it one papers. I am really on for 2012. 
I learnt lot from Guru's, Business Leaders and many others how to be a leader, my Guru taught me a wonderful Mantra "Hunt with the Hunters and Run with the Hair"...I just got goose bumps when he taught me in terms of Business line. Really I am gifted to have such a Mentor. 
I was blessed to get wonderful projects, one such was Jammi's project which gave an opportunity to prove who I am and my talent. I am now the Marketing Manager for them for the Mumbai and also for Chennai, what else could I ask more from Jesus...am just thrilled to take the momentum of Business which has picked up from Oct last to the following Jan 2012 and boom up along with my Recruitment venture of 2nd Jan and Dream proj of June ;) 

I am in need to few pack of good folks to be in ma team , I have selected few and have informed them to be prepared to join the hunt if they come then I am thru to launch it in a big way as a Win Win Strategy i.e for me and ma frnds. 

Nut Shell:
Well I forgot about an important incident, hope many of you know have started to grow ma hair, it was Dad's wish that I should keep more hair since I am gifted with Curls...So on it, past 5 months I have been working hard on it, still it is not yet done ;) Hopefully will come to some conclusion by 2012 end ;) :D 

Visit to nellai was I guess only once in the month of May had a wonderful trip. 

I was on Cloud9 in November cos I got 2 inspirations of my Blog writing and they started their blog and started to script ;) 

Nothing much folks, just awaiting for 2012 badly to just rock on in ma professional life. I have decided this time too to not to hunt for girl even this year and concentrate on my professional front. 

It was a wonderful, blessed and cheerful 2011 but the best is yet to come ;) 

I owe, thank and love you all folks for all your wishes, comments, tags, love and support which you folks showed in 2011, expecting the same in the upcoming 2012.

Aal Izz Well ;) :D 

Happy New Year Folks. 


Wednesday 28 December 2011

Shhhhhhhh my Sister getting married ;) :D

Howdy buddies, 

Well well as the title as it says there is not suspense this time in ma post.....
Just want announce to the world that my Dearest Sister and my Friend is getting married !!!!!!! 
Guys whoz tut person I wont announce, I want her to announce it officially ;) :D 

We share a very special relationship ....would have talked to each other directly hardly 10 times to the max....same no. of times in mobile....and quite a no. of times in chat......

She is one person, whom I just prayed and wished hard that her life should be well settled and she should be very happy....She is very special person, she had loads of ups and downs in life...very matured in nature but a very tendered heart girl....

I like her very much just cos....she believe me and respect me alot...as I mentioned she hardly know about me very deeply but still shared loads.....

She got her dates of finalization today...and was itching to announce to me....luckily i was online...she getting engaged soon and also married asap ..............................

Chalo...she is actually in Cloud 9 and jumping 
(P.S. : She was telling she don't want marriage and wont get married but madam now jumping) 

So along with her...I too want to celebrate it by posting it in ma blog........

My heartiest and sincerely prayers and wishes for her and for stepping into a new year, a new life, a new beginning....

Guys who have guessed keep you mouth shut (Bharath Univ guys it is not the sister whom u all know it is some one else) and others who are guessing....wait ill post asap when she announces officially in her FB wall :) :D  


Sunday 25 December 2011

Fantabulous X'Mas !!!

Blessed Church service + X'Mas Surprise Gift + Finger licking festive lunch + Wonderful wishes by Friends and Family members ====>> "Fantabulous X'Mas" ;) :D :)
Well the above 2 lines would have given a short description how my this year's Christmas went on ;) 
Yup folks it was a wonderful X'mas and an unforgettable one ;)
On a usual note, Christmas started in Church early morning service (4 o'clock), so just rushed through and came home. Really always I get a spl feel when I go to church on spl occasion. It was  a blessed day. 
 Then came the surprise X'mas gifts ! Mark ma words folks I neva knew Dad is good at guessing what's running in ma mind and also offering a surprises and all. 
Last week my aunt was telling Joe, your wallet is too bad and in torn condition. 
I was just telling Dad later that night I was reviewing Fastrack wallet collection in Internet. Dad was sitting next to me, he neva used to peep inside what I do always but tut day he just noticed by some luck. Yesterday I  was out to office, he and my uncle took car and donno got a wallet from Fastrack outlet. 
I donno how dad managed to locate a fastrack outlet. I was just thrilled and excited. Almost tears were there in my eyes. 
Dad told he didnt got me anything for ma Bday so wanted this Xmas to be spl. Really it was a special one. 
The pic on the left is the same model which Dad has got me. Isnt it nice?? 
What else made the day Fantabulous?
The lunch was the special for the special day.
Dad, Mom and Chithi decided to go for Mutton + Chicken, it was me who just insisted to make it more special. They just left the choice to get something. I went to Curry shop and thought of going for Turkey. Luckily I got a small bird I just went for the whole bird ;)
So the final Menu was:
Turkey Briyani + Mutton Kuzhambu + Chicken 65 + Pea Veg Briyani + Payasam + Dairy Milk Silk big pack  ;) ---- to sum up was a Finger Licking Lunch !!!!!!!
I guess now I have justified the statement of Fantabulous X’mas instead of just Fantastic X’mas ;)

Apart from what else was happening? Yes of course wishes and prayers from Friends and Family members just made my day complete.
I just thank God the almighty for gifting and giving such a wonderful and Fantabulous day to my Life ;) :D  


Thursday 22 December 2011

21/12/2011 ---- A Special day !!

Howdy folks, 
Well this is ma first Blog update from ma Rex and it has to be a spl post so it is a special post cos it was a spl day cos i met spl people ;) :D 

Now you guys ll think who?
It is none other than ma school buddies !! Last few weeks just caught up wid loads of work pressure and ups n downs in ma personal life sorted out everything and now I am pretty relaxed and calm considering the personal but professional its hitting hard and harder !! I need to work faster and harder -- am looking forward to a fast and furious 2012 ;) 

Anyway cuming to the day, it was yet another wonderful day of ma life , why not met ma ever blooming school buddies !! 
We managed to meet up today cos one of our buddy Pushpa, came from Aussie every year we guys meet up ! Though we guys are in Chennai we meet up rarely ;) 
Oly 6 managed to make it up including me, but we are used to it, cos our strength  itself put together ll cum to oly 15 guys hardly and in them few are in outstation ;) 
To make it different , this time Abilash planned to not make it as Buffet dinner but to go to a restaurant , mark ma words guys it was damn cost effective tut too in Adayar , more than the food it was de old innocent galatta's ,fun, pulling each other's legs and the same old jokes and memories which really made the day a special day ;) :D 

Am damn happy today, sometimes I just wish that such get together shudnt happen often cos we ll get used to it and get fed up !! 
It was almost one year since we all met wid Pushpa and after tut we guys met some once or twice !! Still relish each and every moment ! 

Chalo it is time to wrap up !! 
Am gonna move to sleep ;) :D 


Sunday 11 December 2011

REX !!!

Awwwright folks time to unleash my Rex !
Guessing what is Rex? 
It is an another Gadget in my shelf ;) :D 

Right no more big surprises and all , its ma HP 110 - 3535 TU - Note Book :) :D 
It was my loongg time ambition to own a mini-laptop and oflate my need for accessing Internet from office and particularly on the move, and as well as to make powerpoint / presentations to my clients was on high demand.
I was expecting some big money to flow in to own it but I knew time will neva come cos ma expenses and allotment of money for  Financial planning was always there. So I just went for it widout waiting ! 

It was ma DJ Bhaiya who suggested this Notebook, I wanted to name it so went for the name REX, yes it is the name of the Biggest & Carnivorous Dino, but I liked it's name -- just 3 letter words :) REX -- Originally the Dino's name could be small but you know its strength right? Same like that, my Rex looks small -- just 10' inch small but its power and strength is just awesome :

REX is a Netbook with 10.1 - inch (1024 x 600) WSVGA LED display, 1.5GHz Intel Atom Processor, 320 GB HDD, 2GB DDR3 and Windows 7 Home Premium operating systems. It weighs 1.26 kg and it's dimensions are: 19.1 x 26.8 x 2.28 cm. Other notable features of this HP netbook include: Integrated 10/100 BASE-T

Doesn't its features just sizzling and awesome? 
Personally Mom loved it , cos it is small cute and its vibrant Cool Blue colour :)
So what else you need guys? 

So wanna see the look of it? Need your suggestions folks ;) :D 
Here it is folks:

Apart from that, today was an awesome day. My good Buddy Aneesh's 1st Bday is today. Got an opportunity to meet all ma folks ;) :D Was extremely happy to meet all ma folks, just cos that old tensionless laugh and kindal's --wow just Loved it ;) 
Chalo Folks Good Night ;) :D 


Saturday 10 December 2011

Yaayyy finally X'mas tree ;) :D Family Tree !

Guess this post is dedicated to ma family members it cos of them this day became so special ! Read the post for the justification !

Of late I have been just erecting Chauk tree as X'mas tree for the last 3 years but this year due to some unavoidable situations didn't succeeded ;) So no other go made up my mind to go for the artificial one. 

I looked around in the near by locality but didn't like it and also it was too costly :( so went to City today and succeeded in getting it. 

It was not at all a planned day to buy to be honest. By shear luck as usual called up ma best Buddy Pradeep ! Just asked him where he is? He said he is near T-Nagar and started from office, I just said one sentence --- "Mappi, wait for 2 minutes we will be there". 

He actually was looking to buy some 2 pairs of Footwear, we just finished it and started the hunt for the X'Mas tree ;) 

Myself and Pradeep always gets excited whenever we hunt for something and eventually we succeed in it ;) :D 

There were 2 options, one 3 ft and 5ft actually to be honest I was aiming for something around 8 ft one but there was no stock, but on the other hand Pradeep suggested not to go above 5 feet one as it would look too much huge and it's charmness will disappear so I just freezed the 5 ft one ;) :D We got many decorative items for the tree. 

Later, rchd around 8.30 p.m. ma young champ bro, chithi and chitappa wr there luckily ;) Engels ma kutti bro was damn happy seeing the tree ! 

He was very much keen to unveil the tree ! He was so thrilled when I unveiled each and every branches / strings, he just helped me in to spread the branches. Then he was still more excited so to see the decorative items. Usually he sleeps at 9 but he was soo energetic to decorate the tree. He opened each and every pack and helped me in decorating the tree. 

Most important fun moment was when Chithi helped in decorating, then Chitappa and Dad too joined the league. Mom was suggesting to put up things in order, she didn't come cos she was correcting some exam papers. But to put up in Nut Shell, it was the whole family who helped in finalizing the decoration !!! So I have justified ma dedication right? yes this tree wouldn't have been so special if they wouldn't have been the part of decoration. So it is a pakka my family tree ;) :D 
I thank God the Almighty for giving me such a wonderful family ;)  

I know I know you all would be eager to watch out for the final tree, I wont make you folks wait. 

How is it folks? 
Hope it is quite charming and quite amazing nah !! 
Just got the feel  of X'mas when i decorated with lights and all the items. 

Chalo guys its time to sleep, tomorrow is yet another special day, my Rex has arrived and also it is ma best buddy Aneesh's daughter 1st bday so it's time to bash up folks !! 
Looking forward to a wonderful 11/12/11 


Thursday 8 December 2011

Entertainment ;)

It turned to be a one such day when you wish it comes again and again ! Had 3 sleepless nights cos of tight schedule so just took off from office and decided to work from home today. 

Guess What I enjoyed each and every moments of today. Two main reasons:

  • Visited ma Bharath College
  • Sehwag 219 

Residing just 1-2 kms away from Bharath College neva go inside off late since I passed out, but often visit the shops opposite to the college for regular hang outs and for masti time. It was one such day, I went inside today for ma Professional Work. I am in need of MBA Marketing guys for ma client company so thought why shouldn't I approach ma college MBA dept and eventually I succeeded also. But most important thing was meeting ma old roomies who are working there in the Management side and my my my my lovable Teachers and Industrial Biotechnology Department. 

I had a nostalgic walk from office to ma department, it was Exam time so the path was flooded with guys, it just reminded of ma College days ;) The happy smiles on each faces and carefree & tensionless walk and fun-----just missing those days alot :( :( 
Went to ma department, watching the dept corridor just asked how many times I wud have walked de same path during ma coll it wasnt spl tut time but now it was like walking in the path's of heaven ;) 
All ma Biotech folks -- went to our Staff room ! Met Anbuselvi Mam, Dhanalakshmi, Sharmila mam then Satish sir , I was excited tut they remembered me and gestured me "Naughty Joe" ;) 
Just brought tears in ma eyes. 
They all asked about each one about us guys and sply our rocking and sizzling Section A students ;) 
I neva had a mind set to step outta de door step of the department but since there was some Stock taking inspection was going on, staffs needed to go so I left. 

But the latter half of the day turned out to be the real fun. It is been since the World Cup matches if I watch a match of India right from it's toss India looses ;) incidentally i watched it from the Toss ;) Ma gut feeling was India will win, rest what happened the World knows. 
It was real Entertainment from one of the greatest Entertainer of the World Cricket ---- Mr.Virender Sehwag ;)
Mindblowing Innings -- he reached 200 in just 140 and ended up in scoring 219, a World Record in the history of World ODI Cricket ;) 

He was just slamming on each deliveries of West Indies ;) Thoroughly enjoyed the day ! 

Eventually just was little upset cos could end up in another thrill of erecting X'mas tress today. Like last year tried to go for the Teak Tree but couldnt eventually end up on a happy note :( So this time around decided to go for an Artificial tree, earlier the day planned to get it from the near by shops but I was not happy wid de quality, so have decided to buy it from the City in another couple of days ;) 

As I said it was yet another God's given Blessed day, I thank the almighty for adding one more 24 hours in my life ;) :D 

Thnx for your support and Love folks ;) :D 


Monday 5 December 2011

Boom !!!!!!!!

Howdy folks, 
Had a tough past 10 days or so, till 24th of November ma professional life was going on a smooth highway road, but the turn around happened from 25th Nov ;) :D 
The Booommmmm ;) 

25th - 27th was the most tiring days of ma so far, I was the Event Manager for a Stall Exhibition at Valluvar kottam, Chennai. The whole 3 days almost 12 hours was in stall then 60 odd kms travel up and down to add spice the heavy rains of Chennai made me really sick and the body pains goshh :( But after every rain, a rainbow appears ;) :D 
That rainbow was an appreciation to me in particular and my fellow team members who co-ordinated the event just in a wonderful way. The Directors of that company threw a Dinner Party as a token of appreciation in a star hotel. Most important the long term relationship which he projected from my Mentors and my team with his company was just amazing ;) My Mentors and my Team are just decided here is a Big Fish catch u can said safe for another one year minimum;)  Personally I am On it and just excited about the whole thing cos the culture of Directors of the company and kinda respect they give mind blowing;) :D Just ready to boom and grab the opportunity to move up to the next stage ;) 

Then the Big Game started ;) :D 
Hope you remember ma recent post - The Game ;) It got the official kick off by December 01 2011 ;) :D 
My Mentor and myself just sat down and laid the road map and the plan whether how to go about it :) Started the conversation with the concerned parties, soon would have travel to North India by this month end or January starting ;) So all the good things are happening just in a stead fast way ;) :D 

Apart from that planning to get a leap top by this weekend, ma best friend Aneesh's daughter 1st Bday is cuming, another close buddy is cuming from Aussie so all fun and entertainment times also approaching along with X'Mas :) 

Am really happy about things happening but I know the days ahead will be challenging and rough ;) :D 
Hope I cross each hurdles with you people's wishes and prayers ;) :D 

Will keep you all updated about the further happenings ;) :D
Cheers for your support and Love :) 
