On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Dew Factor ;)

Do the Dew !!
Nothing to do with the beverage drink folks !!!

I came outta ma Guitar class, it was almost 10.30 p.m.,  noticed ma whole bike was covered with Dew ;)
Wiped off the seat and was on the way to ma Home !!
To ma surprise it was damn chilly and I was unable to drive :(
It brought smile on ma face and reminded of Delhi !! Those lovely Chilly climate of Delhi and warm winter cloths really missing those Old good days spent with ma Lovable chithi's and dear ones ;)

Really this post may not appeal anything, but just wanted to share that such co-incidental moments reminds many of us of our past :) When we turn back and get into that days it brings a stiff smile in our face !!

That's the Magic of Memories :) It's something which cannot be erased easily form our minds :) ;)

Chalo time for me to sleep now !!

Coooolll B-)

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