On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Sunday 4 January 2015

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2015 – An year trusting my sorrows will turn into Happiness (John 16:20).

Well wish to turn back and retrospect the year 2014 as I always do every year. It was a special year, was a year of hope and trust. Many wishes came true but many are still pending may be finding the right time to reveal. Overall it was a satisfying year. As I always do, want to thank God for the wonderful 2014.

Family & Relatives: Health wise 2014 was a healthy year with no major sickness to my parents and myself. Trip wise 2014 was a memorable one, with a long family vacation with all Cousins to Kutrallam in the month of May. With God’s grace went to Tirunelveli via Self Drive on my Casper. His presence and his angels guarded us in both the occasions. Month of December went twice to Nellai. All together after college days visited Nellai quite often in 2014.

Friends and Hangouts: Well last year didn’t had much of trips and tours with my friends. But small hangouts were always on board with my School buddies, Partner Anand, Bro David and with my ever green trio Dinesh Pradeep and Joe combo. Three of my school buddies entered into their next stage of Marriage life on row in the months of May, June and August respectively. Thus leaving behind only couple of more guys in the list of bachelors including me.
Went twice to Rajasthani Hub of Authentic food once with my brother Deepak and next time with my School buddies to. It was fun being a veggie in that season.
Come August as always, was donning the role of organizer for the G2G with my UG College mates, With God’s grace succeeded this time too. With His guidance made it grand. Not sure whether I will be taking up the same challenge in this year. This year was a special dual combo because there was another G2G with my PG college mates on Aug 15th. It was another good reunion with donning the role of partial organizer.
Apart from that this time got a chance to write a post on my very dear SISTERS who are close to my hearts.
Hmm what else, yeah went to Theatre after couple of years that too twice with my bro David for the movies Noah and Son of God. Well this was just an overview of all the hangouts with Friends.

Social networking: It was yet another flash with respect to Social Networking. I got too much excited in blogging hence started a new blog to scribble some non-sense and kill my time. -- vettithanam.wordpress.com
End of the year activated a Soundcloud page of own to share my very own compositions. With respect to Blogging been posting on interesting label called – “Challenge of Being Humour”. Last year managed to post 26 posts all together my third highest in a calendar year so far.

Spiritual Life: 2014 was a milestone with respect to Spiritual Life. Couple of Village Ministries to Vellore, one to Chengelpet, one ministry to North Chennai Church, occasional Prayer Meetings and Carol round was the highlights of the spiritual calendar. I am a small part in Yeshuas Ministries from 2014. God was very kind and lead me through trials and temptations spiritually. It was a blessed year indeed.
With the grace of God the whole year went on zooming with ACA church where I am playing guitar and also in Youth Prayer meetings with Yeshuas Ministries. End December composed two Songs for New Year. It was a real blessing in disguise.

Professional Front: It was yet another lightening year, with loads of ups and downs. Learnt a lot and I have matured quite well in my field of work. There is secret with respect to Professional front which I will share when time comes. Apart from that God lead through all the Darkest valleys throughout the year.

Hobbies and Miscellaneous: Casper will turn 2 coming January. She visited twice to Nellai, twice to Vellore, once to Hosur and loads more on ECR with me. She is still adorable and cute babe to me. I love her each day. She has crossed 38000 kms so far. Rio was a family member who was there with me for few months. He fell sick and passed away. God willing will get a new friend in this month.
Some good news with respect to Physical activities. From last  May been regular to Shuttle court. I got a good healthy batch with whom the day kicks offs very well. I was runners up in the tournament conducted by them. Apart from that other nostalgic event which I personally enjoyed were CSK’s Champion trophy winning moment, watching the entire season of FIFA World Cup till finals, shifting to new house, Singing and practicing songs with my bro Michael, my first Flight experience, first time visits to cities like Hyderabad, Vellore (Kondakuppam), Madurai and few more places.

Personal Front: Yet another year of Bachelorhood. Don’t think will be posting the same line in 2016. The search for the better half or the Ribs is going on at high speed and at anytime I may end my Bachelorhood. But above all these one Director of the show is there called GOD who’s plan none knows. I Personally enjoyed the year of 2014 with tons of lessons and mistakes to be corrected.

To sum up, 2014 was a beginning of Good things in the coming years. Take it every label of this post, it has something to flourish and expand in the year of 2015.

Just Praying for more blogs post in the coming year 2015 and a many turn around.

Wish me all a happy and blessed Year 2015.


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