On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Thursday 19 May 2016


Now, temme honestly for how many you the word #Mummy is the most loved word?
Even to me, still this is the most lovable word still and ever shall be because such is the power of her love.

But only once in a life time, this word turned out to be a nightmare.

Incident as Narrated by dad:

The moment goes back to 1992, when I was a kiddo guess a UKG student. As all UKG lad, I was a beginner in writing, so if I used to get a pen / pencil with no doubt I used to scribble any where and every where.

Also as narrated by dad I was always curious from kid that I used to label their name on the item which belonged to them.

So now on the day of incident I think I got a compass in my hands and came across mom’s item. So with no second thought, wrote very happily and with full curiousness #MUMMY on it.

Guess on what? It was on her brand new Sewing machine. My mom is someone who expresses out her emotions without thinking, so outta emotions she gave a nice hit to me. But later after say 10 minutes she embraced me.

Still dad says, I was giving a stare look till night for why I was given the punishment. You people say, for why I was punished? Did I commit a crime or was it really a punishable incident? I don’t think so. I was a curious naughty little kiddo so I did my part for labeling her item particularly on a new item, still got punished.

But if I think of that now, I get a big smile on my face !!

According to dad I didn’t go near the Sewing machine for nearly a month, then later it was mom who encouraged me to help in Swing the handle. From that time I always helped her in stitching loads of cloths.

Still she expresses out with a little emotions on her tone when she narrates the incident.

I had been itching to share this incident in my micro blog always as this is one thing which makes my childhood cherish able and memorable one.

The legendary Sewing machine is still working in version 2.0. I mean the peddle has been attached to the bottom recently and very much working. This is the machine which is still functioning as it was in the beginning.

To all your surprise, the word #MUMMY still exist in the machine even though it was written 24 years odd old. I still smile and admire my own handwriting way back in UKG !!

I recently clicked a picture of it which I am sharing it.

Guess a perfect #ThrowBackThursday post !!!



Thursday 12 May 2016

Being Patient !!!

In continuation with my previous blog post of 168, am planning to share some nostalgic moments which happened in those days. One such event happened on March 6th 2016 !!

If you are thinking if I mis-spelt Patient instead of Patience, read though the post you will know.
It was my first gathering with my college mates post marriage. I was very much excited because it was with my special ones Ragz and Pradeep. We were missing Dinesh though. My better half Tina joined the party for the first time with the galla gang.

On usual note we planned to huddle first for lunch and followed by beach. We chose one of very known restaurant owned by my very dear friend. As I am hardcore foodie I decided to have something special on that so called up my friend and asked what was special on that. To my surprise he suggested Fish fry aaaaaaaaannnnnnddddd LOBSTER.

It was for the first time I was eating Shrimp varieties though have eaten Prawns and Crab many times. Only myself and Pradeep ate the junk of the lobster and the pretty girls consumed hardly one or two pieces. It was tasty and quite well cooked to our knowledge.

It would have been hardly 15 minutes, my nose got blocked completely I mean never have experienced such a rapid cold increase. Slowly my eyes started to get red. Tina told, probably the masala would have accidentally gone into my eyes, so I decided to wash my face. Probably the biggest mistake I did. What happened after that was a real memories to freeze.

Tina and Ragz slowly started to stop eating and stare me. Tina was enjoying her Chicken Drumstick and she couldn’t eat more. She got scare seeing my face and so as Ragz. I started to get more itching so started to rub my face more and more. I asked what happened, they told my face has started to bulge. I asked what?? Then slowly I started to choke a lot. Myself and Pradeep immediately rushed to a nearest Medical store. Even though Being Sunday I was lucky enough to get a medical store. I Called up my Family doctor and he confirmed a peculiar term Anaphylaxis. It didn’t get into my mind that word because for the first time I was hearing. He was pretty sure and told to rush to hospital if the cold and choking doesn’t stop. I went back to the restaurant, but wasn’t able to breathe more and started to lose my breathe. That’s when we decided to rush to hospital because my face was full red, and the full face turned into a balloon.

I had strength to walk myself upto the Emergency ward. The moment I stepped in, the Duty doctor just the told the same word Anaphylaxis. She continued asking did I eat Prawn, I told no Lobster. She told its confirmed Anaphylaxis and please get admitted immediately. Believe me never in my life had ever been admitted in a hospital, but that day I was my first day of admission into a hospital.

It was a kinda cinematic experience when, I was asked to lay down on a bed, Oxygen supply was given to me, Pulse and BP check meter were put on and to add cherry to the cake all the doctors surrounded me and asked one big question “WHAT HAPPENDED”. I mean was wondering, how can a patient who is losing his consciousness , pulse getting lower and unable to breathe and Oxygen supply on his mouth can reply back at that moment?

I was completely unaware of what was happening for almost 20 minutes or so. I was given three to four shots of heavy Injections. Just remember Tina came once and brushed my hair with concern and later felt a pain on my right wrist. It was then I released that given NS / Drips I think to keep me hydrated. My BP was still high and pulse was lower than normal. After 20 minutes my question was when can I go? Doctor said they can’t leave me since usually Anaphylaxis reacts only after couple of hours. So they told I had to stay back under observation for 4 hours. No other go, I had to maintain my patience. My face was still the same and wasn’t recovering so fast.

It was 4 hours of nostalgic moment where I had to keep my patience to top level with my Mouth shut because Oxygen supply was continuously pumped with high dosage of Nebulizers.

One thing was clear they had found the remedy / treatment but wanted to keep hospitalized because accordingly to their hospital policy, admit any patient who come for emergency and make sure you empty their purse. I mean, can’t blame them because such was their hospitality and service which sometimes deserve a lot than we pay.

After say four hours of Meditation, I was discharged. Meanwhile, pradeep managed to talk to my Dad and consoled that I am out of danger and will come home with no danger. I came home and my entire family were waiting for my return. They were kinda shocked to see my face because the intensity of reaction was such.

I was given some normal medications, but it took almost a week to come back to normal look.
Below the picture, of how I looked 3 days after the incident. I looked like a Chinese man even on third day, so imagine how would I been on the day of incident and following couple of days. Just unimaginable of how such small carelessness changes your life in a minute. Next picture was after a week.

Good thing was that, I wasn’t charged more hospital bill and didn’t had much pain or side effects.
Some funny incidents happened in the midst of these things I will bullet them:
Hospital bill was not too high and later I claimed it back.
At the time of discharge asked Tina to enquire Doctor as when can I eat Non-Veg. She got scolding, he he he and was advised not to consume for a week. Poor girl made her scape goat.
I kept on cracking jokes after I regained my consciousness.
Last, there was young duty doctor who was good looking. I mean am a Married man guys, I am a good boy now. Pradeep had good time.
It was my first hospitalization so I made sure I enjoy very well.

Whatever at the end, I just praised God for few things one I didn’t lose my breathe to zero which could have happened such is the intensity of Anaphylaxis, next Hospital was hardly couple of kms away from the restaurant we ate, next wasn’t hospitalized for too long and last got to know to avoid Lobster henceforth.

The post may look humour but sometimes feel for Tina and my friends who went speechless outta concern and my parents who were in a state of shock because I got admitted.

Few more nostalgic moments which I will be sharing in those 168 days of post Marriage.  

Below the picture of the Lobster which I ate that day, the cooked pieces were inside the bamboo boxes. Took it before i ate it. 


Monday 9 May 2016

168 days !!!

Howdy folks,

Kinda a long break from blogging !!
The title itself has a the time gap of the blog post which I posted previously and today. 168 days !!

So what I did these 168 days? Lemme put it in a nutshell.
The main funda which happened was the transformation of a “Single” Joe into a tagline of “Married” status. In the event of that being a single child had loads of works which I had to take up on my shoulders and make the event happen.

In the month of November and December, it was a completely a day on and off from office and with internet issues bcos of Chennai Flood completely made me off. Chennai Flood how to describe that one week of horror. I personally went through little tragedies as I went to office on Dec 1 2015. It was shear God’s grace b’cos of which I returned home that day safely. Casper missed a whisker from the water but had to go through some servicing because of the intensity of flood. Post flood, got an opportunity to do some flood relief works by distributing cloths and food to the needy people around tambaram.

Month of January was a season of Blessing, Joy and  Happiness to the fullest. It was a season of Marriage of Robert’s & Micheal’s Grandson !! A big family reunion which didn’t happened for years together happened for my marriage. Shear God’s blessings got married to a wonderful lady called Tina Victoria. She is the best blessings which I could had and could ever have in my lifetime. Life changed post marriage with time spent in understanding her and still in the process of understanding her. I guess it will take years together to understand what really goes inside a girl’s mind and heart. I think I Will get support for this previous line from all newly wed guys, lol !!

Month of February was transferred to office work, it was a daily monotonous 9 to 6 job, where I had daily slaughter out in train and bike travel really took me off guard from all sorts of entertainment.
In the month of March decided to get back to Marketing field and so I am from the month of April. So finally it took 8 days of Month of May to post my real post of 2016.

In between, my event Management company – “La Red Carpet” has shaped up into a new dimension with new members joining the team and couple of projects which came up and new big ventured planned up really making me excited. The passion towards organizing gets build up deep inside me day by day. Hope 2016 will be a rocking year for the family of La Red Carpet.
Many small events came across during these 168 days but to sum up it gave me a much needed break to blog more in the months of come.

So its time to say “I am back” to blogging !!!

Expect more fun from here on bcos have planned more interesting posts for this year 2016 !!


Sunday 8 May 2016

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2016 – An year
Started my 2015 with a saying “ An year trusting my sorrows will turn into Happiness (John 16:20).” and it happened to be so.

Well wish to turn back and retrospect the year 2015 as I always do every year. It was a special year, was a year of hope and trust which was fulfilled. Many wishes came true and it was an overall a wonderful year with few bad memories. Overall it was a satisfying year. As I always do, want to thank God for the wonderful 2015.

Family & Relatives: Health wise 2015 was yet another year with health and prosperity. Trip wise 2015 was a memorable one, with a short family vacation and meeting all my Family down south almost thrice this year which includes the most crucial trip. Jackfruit cutting was one of the most memorable moment of 2015.  His presence and his angels guarded us in all the occasions. Month of November was a special one with a Double Bonanza. Mom and Dad celebrated their 30th Wedding anniversary.

Friends and Hangouts: Well last year had a memorable trip to Gavi. Wish could have stayed more or could have visited once again this December. Apart from that, small hangouts were always on board with my School buddies, Partner Anand, Bro David but less with my ever green trio Dinesh Pradeep and Joe combo.
My school buddy Sunil, entered into their next stage of Marriage life on row in the months of August thus leaving behind couple more in the list of bachelors including me. My dearest buddies DK and Vivek got married. I was very happy for both of them.
It was more of purposeful trips than friends trip in 2015.
Come August as always, was donning the role of organizer for the G2G with my UG College mates. But unlike last three years didn’t do it in a grand manner and kept it very simple.
Hmm what else, yeah went to Theatre may be a couple of occasions. Many times to ECR beaches with bro david and I guess with my cousins

Social networking:
It was yet another flash with respect to Social Networking. I didn’t got into much of Blogging this year. Hope will be back on track in 2016.

Spiritual Life:
2015 was a milestone with respect to Spiritual Life. Regular Village Ministries to Vellore, Couple in North Chennai Church, occasional Prayer Meetings and Youth Sunday special were the highlights of the spiritual calendar. I am continuing to be a part in Yeshua’s Ministries from 2014. God was very kind and lead me through trials and temptations spiritually. It was a blessed year indeed.
With the grace of God the whole year went on zooming with ACA church where I am playing guitar and also in Youth Prayer meetings with Yeshua’s Ministries. Now a regular part of Praise and Worship in my Youth Sunday. All Praise to God who has raised me above using me as a tool.

Professional Front: It was yet another lightening year, with loads of ups and downs. Learnt a lot and I have matured quite well in my field of work. There is secret with respect to Professional front which I will share when times. Apart from that God lead through all the Darkest valleys throughout the year.  2015 if I think will always be remembered as the year of “La Red Carpet”. Yes, me and my buddy joined up and started an event organizing company. We got our first order in the month of June and continued by few birthday parties. Few of my close buddies joined the team. I hope 2016 we will rock together as a family of “LRC”.

Hobbies and Miscellaneous: Casper will turn 3 coming January 2016. She visited thrice to Nellai, more to Vellore, once to Pondy and loads more on ECR and on Sriperambudur Highways with me. She is still adorable and cute babe to me. I love her each day. She has crossed 50000 kms so far.
Ray was a new member in my family. He got a new companions too.  Finally got a new mobile Moto G3 after a long discussions and planning.
Some good news with respect to Physical activities. The entire year has been regular to Shuttle court. Now have an awesome circle of friends with whom the day kicks offs very well.
Apart from that other nostalgic event which I personally enjoyed were Team India’s wins, Chennaiyin winning the title at ISL, The Ashes and more English Drama movies. Singing and practicing songs with my bro Michael.
December 2015, will be the most memorable month of my life time. #ChennaiFlood which the whole world is aware. I too survived the flood. I should say, I escaped by a whisper. Would have stuck in deep trouble with my Casper, but God was so kind that we saved me with not much of damage to Casper. With God’s grace had an opportunity to help the needy people affected by flood by giving them loads of Dresses and Food packets

Personal Front: Yet another year of Bachelorhood. Don’t think will be posting the same line in 2017. I Personally enjoyed the year of 2015 with tons of lessons and mistakes to be corrected. A loads more to get matured and into a responsible man. Went for a good trim for my hair alas after say 3 years. Changed with looks like keeping more of Beard and Trim looks.
To sum up, 2014 was a beginning of Good things, 2015 ended with an awesome note and expecting 2016 to be a rocking year. Take it every label of this post, it has something to flourish and expand in the year of 2016.  
Wait wait wait, did I miss anything??? Am I sure I finished the happenings of 2015?
Nah, don’t think so !
The most eventful happening of my life – I WAS ENGAGED to a wonderful girl named TINA. It was purely an arranged event. Right now am in Courtship month but am enjoying to the core. More will post about my marriage happenings post 22nd Jan 2016.
Just Praying for more blogs post in the coming year 2016 and a many turn around.
