On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Monday 30 July 2012

Trip de Mahabs :) :D

One word how to describe -- 29 July 2012 --->>> An awesome Sunday :) :D 

My family and Chithi's family were discussing for long time  a to trip Mahabs f, it was getting postponed for many reasons but not today. It was a sudden decision, almost yesterday Night after 8 when we gathered and booked a car and got ready. Myself and Dad were mentally not prepared for the trip.

Mark ma words, having a good trip with Friends is not only the best trip, if you have a family like mine and if you go for more trip, it would beat Friends Trips ;) :D

OK coming to the trip, started only around 10.30 a.m and reached around half past Eleven. Started with Five Rathas, Light House, Shore Temple and then Beach....I don't want to share my experience about the places cos many would have seen it and you can google about those places too. 

Wanna share the fun we had. Mom and Dad neva like to come out for any outings but the enthusiasm they shown today, I am planning to take them often hope they co-operate with me too :) 

One more best thing is my Brother, it is always interesting and fun to take some kids for any family trip. Man the whole trip was revolving around him, everything for his happiness and photos being taken all around him. Their innocence is always cherished. The most memorable incident was when he was chased a Cute Lamb, I have captured few pics of that incident hope you guys love it.

Followed by the trip was Lunch time. We came out of Mahabs and took a left and went inside Pine forest, under the shades of a big Banyan Tree. Almost spent an hour over there and returned home. 

It was a matter of 4 and 1/2 hours but it turned out to be a real memorable one.....

The following Sunday is gonna be an another Blockbuster Sunday, wait for the post till Aug 5th 2012 :) :D 


Monday 23 July 2012

Don't Judge Book by its Covers !!!

A metaphorical phrase which means "you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward appearance alone"

Experienced this saying today :) 
As usual went to my Roomies room there when I met one of my junior. He looks pakka rouge, stays out in Hostel so obv looks like he Drinks and Smokes. He also pretends to same in many times. 

But I was totally wrong. I happened to talk to him for almost 40 min and I was shell shocked to know about his past, got committed in 12th, had plans to go and marry but  he didn't go for it cos his parents image came in front of him, unfortunately that girl cheated him but now hez committed. 

His life story be apart, I really loved his Attitude. Though from a Middle class family, have studies BA Economics and later did Diploma in Automobile and now doing Engg in Automobile. His attitude was simple --- want to Live a Life not to earn and make a huge money but to just earn and live happily. He has worked all sorts of work -->> Auto driver, Lorry driver etc etc. His idea is to just work anywhere and his interesting character is he doesn't want money just by sitting in one place but want to earn after doing some hard work. He is again committed now and I liked the way he praised her.....Man he made my day....

He want to succeed in his Love after mutual acceptance from both family, he wants to live the Life he wants....he has sculpted his whole life....

I may not be able to express out clearly the way I am feeling right now I repeat he made my day......

What I want to take from experience is not that who he is all about but about me.....What I need to change from inside, the way to Live a Life simple but meaningful :) 

I hope you guys also would have similar experiences and I suggest you guys to sketch out a  meaning life to live Happy :) :D 

Just thought of sharing this post.....

Good Night Folks :) :D 


Saturday 21 July 2012

Rain came down.........

It was a wonderful past week, when the rains reached the soils of Chennai. 
The whole Chennai welcomed  it.....

The scenes of Chennai were the same, water clogging and wet mud and as usual people Chennai moved their life in such situations. 

I remember my Buddy Naren was so excited last Friday i suppose was damn thrilled tut he posted only one word - Raining thrice..........to express his happiness so as it was in the minds of many people in Chennai....

One good thing happened in this rainly season was, i was able to capture some good clicks in my Foxy in this rain ;) :D will share it soon :) 

But No sooner Chennai was back to shape - Hot and Humid by the end of the week :) 

I just hope people of Chennai receive one more shower in the coming week ahead and give a chilling start to the week :) 

Happy Weekend Folks :) Team India Cricket Mania has started , lets wish good luck to our Champs :) 

 A Click captured in my Foxy last Sunday................
