On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Friday 19 November 2010

The Chase

Another post from my personal life.

This is the most memorable incident in my life, it happened when I was in 3rd grade. I am posting it with reference to whatever I remember and also with some narration from my parents.

I was in Palam, Delhi at that time studying in I.A.F School. During those days morning Dad used to drop me in school while returning I used to come in School bus. As I am naughty now I was the same naughty at that time itself. While getting down from the bus, I never used to carry my bag, instead used to get down first and collect the bag from the window from my friend, but on that particular day it was not a normal day, it turned out to be a thrilling day. I got down from the bus and went near the last window of the bus to collect the bag from my friend, but unfortunately before I was able to collect the bag the bus started.

Guys the thrill started here, what you people expect would have happened?

If you have guessed that I would have ran behind the bus, you are right. It was a damn busy road almost like Ashok Pillar road junction and I ran behind the bus like a mad guy crying “my bag”, “my bag”. I dint notice traffic and any vehicles, but just was focussed on the bag, because of the age factor. I bet everyone were curious with our things, those young days and we used to cry if something goes out of our hands, so was the same with me. My friend in the bus too dint notice that I am running behind and also dint inform the cleaner bhaiya that I dint collect the bag.

I ran for almost 1-2 km’s behind the bus. There was another fun behind the scene. It was my friend Mohan who got down from the bus saw the whole scene. He was my neighbour so went to home and informed a tragic situation, he said Joe is being dragged by Bus and taken away by it. All of them got worried. Mom was in School and Dad was in office. Those days there were no Hand phone facilities and even proper landline connections in every home. Mohan’s mom couldn’t pass on the message but she asked Mohan’s elder brother Ashok to look for me.
Meanwhile on the scene, I couldn’t run to the speed of the bus so just stopped at one point. But at that time only I realized that I was in the middle of the road.  After that I guess somehow came to the pedestrian path. It was noon 2 and was damn hot climate in Delhi. I was crying to the extreme because thought my Bag is gone for once for all. Then Ashok anna somehow followed the route through which bus goes and found me crying and walking. Then I guess I said I wanted to go and meet mom, so he took to mom’s school. There I told mom what happened, my mom is very much sensitive lady and Love me so much because I was the only child, she just hugged me tightly with tears and asked me not to do such acts in future.

Then later in the evening Ashok anna collected the bag in the 2nd trip and gave me the bag. Meanwhile Dad came in the evening, I feared Dad would come and beat me but when mom narrated everything he called me anger tone, I became nervous and came near him. He lifted me and said “Joe Kutta” “Joe Kutta” twice with tears in his eyes. Mom still says, dad just hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. He then advised me not to do such heroic acts.
Really I could hardly remember anything those scenes, just remember the running behind the bus and hug of Mom. Don’t remember even the hug of Dad.

So this was the thrilling Chase of my Life. I don’t why God gave me such an experience, may be for that two hugs with tears from Dad and Mom or for running practise in the middle of the busy junction lol. Anyways it’s a past. I always thank God, that on that particular day nothing strange and bad incident happened.

Cheers for the people who read this post and owe for your support by reading it.


Tuesday 16 November 2010

Driving in a Rainy Day

16th of November 2010.

It was a dull sunny day at the start of the day. At about 7 it started to drizzle. But I had to move on and go to office. At about 8 wore my jerkin and started to drive, but when I crossed Chrompet uff, the size of drops increased and I was unable to drive further, but had no other go there were no shelter to stop too, so decided lets zoom and splash the waters in the road. Crossed the Airport road, really it was real fun. But my pant was drenched almost 98%. Then I saw a man selling jerkin with pants, after some bargains got the rain pant and continued the splash. Later at about 9.30 reached the office.

The rest of the day it was raining to its peak, I was wondering how I am gonna drive because for such rain all the roads gets blocked with water.

The real fun was in the evening, from the start it was raining at its peak, I was safe inside the coat so was very happy and drove in the midst of heavy rain. But the happiness went after some time; rain was too heavy that water droplets came inside glass of the helmet that is when the real trouble started. I hardly could see anything, almost only 5% vision was possible. But still I continued, because my plan was to drive what so ever happen. The real fun was when I jumped all the signals even though it was in RED. I dint mind was in full swing to drive away. Almost when I came to Tirusulam, a biker came so speeding that he tried to do the over taking by sliding with little scene, but he forgot that the roads will be slippery. He was dragged to almost 50m in the slippery road but he was safe because no vehicles came from behind. Almost everyone stopped and urged for help. But he was well built man, and to our surprise immediately stood up, he was wearing leather jacket and thick denim so it dint hurt him much. He gave an innocent smile, and drove with the same speed. Really I don’t know whether he was hurt or not. But I continued the drive. I know it will be damn tough near my home i.e. Camp Road to drive, and to my expectation the road was in the bad condition. Waters were clogged almost to bike silencer height, I dint give up, came down to 1st gear and just drove with full speed.

Really just loved it, I was not at all wet too. Personally thank God I dint had any bad situations and mishap but zooming the road in heavy rain is something a rare drive.
I hope many of you would have experienced such situations but this is my personal best drive in rain so far.

Cheers for you people to read this post and for your support. 


Sunday 14 November 2010

A Blessed Birthday !!!

2010 Birthday turned out to be the most memorable birthday to me because it was a special one for me. I was excited because my chachu was getting married on the same day and also it was my birthday.

I expected it to be a normal Birthday. But it turned out to be a super duper birthday for me.

It was 7th night around 11.00 p.m. I returned from the marriage hall after arranging all the decorations for the next day marriage, as I expected none of my family members were sleeping because it was a rare occasion when all of us meet so all were in loud tone laughing and chit chatting and all. I just came and was lying in a long bench since I had no place in the floor.

It was around 11.50 p.m. when the real surprise started. My Sekar mama suddenly shouted Michael in very huge tone we all were surprised, after 5 minute his mobile started to sing Happy Birthday Song, Light were off and Michael mama came with a cake with 24 candles in his hands. I was overwhelmed and almost in tears.

My friends started to ping me,so i went upstairs  it was my friend Benet who started the rally, then followed by my sister and then Dinesh. Then my last mama Mano called me and asked to keep the phone on till the party ends. I asked what party he said go and see down you will have a surprise.

So when I returned all my grandma’s and grandpa’s came to upstairs room where we all were there and in another 2 min the room was packed with kutties and nearly 15 family members. I was shell shocked. OMG all the family members were busy in doing some marriage work left it and came to celebrate the birthday bash.

The celebration started with a Gospel song, followed by cake cutting and I distributed the cakes to all the family and kutties. Then family prayers which Saroja Ammamma did it, then My Mehala Ammamma presented me a Gift. I was so happy because my Selvaraj thatha and Ambika ammamma were there with me for this birthday. They were the one who used to be always for my birthday in Delhi right from my 1st Birthday to 9th Birthday. Really missed my Ninju and Jessy Chithi because I had a great 1st 9 birthday celebrations with them in Hinden ,Kanpur and Delhi.

(Gospel Song and Prayer)

Followed by got blessings from all my elders and wishes and kisses from kutties. Wow it was a real Birthday and Cherish able Birthday celebration for me.

The party wasn’t over all the family members who were sleeping turned up into excitement mode and started to chit-o-chat in full swing. The marriage was early morning from 6.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m. Then it was Raja mama who started to say ok ok its time up lets relax for some time and get up at 4.00 a.m but the time was almost 1.30 a.m. lol !!!!

I just relaxed in a corner in a big table and dozed off. But it was Prem mama who came from Chennai early morning at 4.00 a.m. came and wished me Happy Birthday. The day started for me lol !!

Then it was Vivek my friend who slept off I guess at 12 woke up and sent me a message thinking I must be sleeping then I called him up and he wished, then Pradeep called me up at 5.30 a.m.

Thus the day started, dressed up and went to the hall. Not many know that it was my Birthday so I got escaped lol !!

In the midst was getting calls in a row from my dear ones and relatives. Then noon came and slept off  for a while and evening again work started. 
I will narrate the memories of my Bhaiya’s marriage in detail in my next post in a separate title.

Thus this is how my birthday turned out to be. Though it was just a matter of 24 hours, the things which happened seemed to be like of 2 days.
To me it was blessed Birthday because all the elders and relatives at one shot on my day wishing and unexpected celebrations all together made my day a memorable one. I am really blessed to be a part of such a beautiful and wonderful family. Always I thank God for giving me such a wonderful family.

I would like to end by repeating the message to all my friends who wished on for my birthday “I owe and appreciate all ma folks for ur b'day wishes. It means alot to me and all those wishes made my day and I will continue to cherish our frndship. 

Love u all folks !”


Saturday 13 November 2010

Chachu’s Marriage

It was yet another family festive / get together which incidentally happened on my Birthday, I was so excited because it was my dearest Chachu’s Marriage and also my B’Day. I was also happy because I celebrated my birthday and got blessings from all my elders.
Nov 7th myself, dad, mom, chithi, chitappa and thambi boarded the train, and to our surprise Michael mama was also in the same train who was travelling from Mumbai, really we chatted till late night and had Chappati and Pepper Chicken as dinner...... it was yummy.
The next morning we reached Tirunelveli, I know I will have a jam packed day because all were expecting my presence for all the works. As I expected the moment I got fresh, Raja mama came and asked me to go and check whether all items for cooking and decorations are ready. One thing I had an advantage I got a Kinetic Honda with full tank of fuel in it lol. Then finished that and returned at 1 in the noon, at 1.10 my Chachu i.e. Kalyana mappillai, said he wanted to buy Make up sets, Shoe and Belt.
Then went with him and retuned only at 3 and had lunch. Then what rest uh ?? no no, my akka came and said arrange extra vans for going to Bride’s home needed to be arranged, then went and arranged. Mean while akka took me to jewellery shop for some purchase. Then evening some function and dinner in the hall was held and night I had to stay back for the decoration works. Uff, I came back at about 11 in the night, there everyone were in full swing doing chit-o-chat, well that is a tradition of our family to not to sleep the whole night the day before marriage because that is only night we all spend and meet each other after years. Then it was my unexpected birthday party, I have posted in detail in my next post.
Then after the party none of my family members had the intension to sleep, I somehow managed to get a bench in which just relaxed and could relax. Then it was an early morning marriage all dressed up and went for the marriage, it was so exciting day because it my dearest Chachu’s marriage. In between there were excitements like bursting crackers, fun with kutties, dance and some unforgettable moments. The whole day went like a flash, and then afternoon came and slept off. Then evening, my grandpa woke me and asked me join to count all the MOI MONEY, did that counting work. It was quite healthy collection lol. Then night I had to arrange the dinner for all.
It was indeed a special marriage for one more reason, for the first time lots of responsibilities came to me for all works like money settlements that too I was roaming with 20k, decoration in-charge, food in-charge, logistics in-charge. Before that I may have done only small works maximum serving, but this time supervising the serving and under me were my younger mama’s. Many now consider me as a grown up kid in my thoughts and ideas and they gave me all the works. Already for this chachu’s engagement it was only me who did all the works, so they saw my efforts and raised my value. I was happy that I did all the works, because it was always urge in my mind to do such things, because I don’t have any siblings I think cha I am really unlucky that I couldn’t do such works. I always admire my friends when they work hard for their sister / bro’s marriage. Really when I experienced on my own I got to know the real fun with responsibility in it. I am so blessed to be part of such a wonderful family.
The next day after the marriage was the packing day, but till noon had works, because had to settle the money for Video coverage, then hall so again was in move. Then it was almost 5 when I packed up and boarded the train. It looked like some flash visit for 3 days and 4 nights but it was a memorable trip.

(The Whole Family)

Hope I dint bore you people by mixing by sharing my family things and senti’s in this post.
Cheers for your support. 


Friday 12 November 2010

Le Pondy

Le Pondy
23rd October 2010 a day with my School buddies.
It was a pre-planned trip because my friend Gopi has come from Dubai for a vacation. All our guys took off from all our works and planned a one day trip.
(Le Pondy)

Initially the trip was planned to Tada falls but since there was very little water flowing we changed to Pondy.....

The whole trip was wrapped up in almost 13 hours but the things which happened in that single day OMG, was not like that....we just thought it will be yet another a normal hang out but we were wrong , what happened read the post.....

Here we go, it was bright Saturday morning, I went to place were Gopi was staying then in a short while the two Red Machine’s arrived, one was “A Star” of Abi and “Pulsar 180”of Syed.
The guys who joined the thrill with me were => Abi, Deepan, Gopi, Noorul and Syed.
(The Crew, Deepan taking the Pic)

At the start it was a normal start, we drove away with two pit stoppings and reached Pondy at about 12. The drama started there, Noorul started to say hey we shall start the trip with a lunch. We then stopped in some street because parking the car was a difficult task then unfortunately no lunch were there then drove near bus stand and after nearly one hour found a good buffet restaurant. Wow it was a damn worth buffet for Rs.200 we all grabbed it soon and rushed away for starting the trip.

Then reached the beach and enjoyed the shore. It was rare sight of beach where there was no sand in the banks of the sea but there were only rocks so couldn’t wet our feet in it. Then went to a nice spot something like a broken bridge, it was a great spot, were we can move almost to the top of the sea water and watch the shores hitting the pillars from the top view. We just relaxed and retuned in a casual walk.
(Awesome Spot)

Then real 1st thrill started, we all were returning to the place where we parked the vehicle when we noticed Syed’s bike was carried by Police Patrol for parking in the “Vehicle Free Zone” and Abi’s car was the only car left behind because of “G”. We said all possible reasons to bring down the Bike but it was in Vain. The Police said he will give after moving to some distance. Syed and Noorul went behind the van, and rest marched towards the Car, meanwhile everybody started to rush towards the beach, we too rushed and we noticed a bunch of Dolphins diving near the shore, it was a rare and beautiful sight. Pity Syed and Noorul missed it  !! lol !
(Zoom it and watch for Dolphin tip)
Then we guys planned to visit the AuroVille but it was late to visit that place, so we guys decided chalo lets pack up and go home.
We were quite happy the trip was going to end and met each other....
But the trip was not ended it again rose up with a new spirit with a comma.
It was almost the 20 min from Pondy when we moved; we saw series of Vehicle lined up. We thought it was Vehicle check up, since we were in “G” Vehicle we over took and went forward. When an angry man came and bumped loud with his hand. Abi rose up anger, then a man from behind came apologized and said no vehicle will move since there is some Strike was going on for Death in the main ECR. Then the same angry man came and said take a reverse for 500m and asked to take a left into the village and take a U turn which will lead to the other end of the road crossing the crowded people. The man said so casually that we thought it will be a small U turn. Believing his words we took reverse and took the left turn, and reached one place. Believe me guys it was exactly like “Saroja” movie were in important stage the crew take similar short cut and ends up in a miserable story.
(In the Midst of Confusion)

From there we just asked how to reach ECR everyone showed one direction, and we followed no sooner after few kms Syed who was in bike noticed a sign board showing Dindivanam 17 kms. Because if we lead to that road it will take 3 hours to reach Chennai. We were shell shocked and stopped the car. It was a dark road and nobody was there we were just confused. Then two young chaps came for help and said there are two ECR, one is the regular which we all are aware and the other connecting Dindivanam, then we realized we have took the wrong route. We thought to go back but those two chaps said the strike is still on and it will take time. Then those guys just directed to some other route were another U turn was there, and then we realized this was the great U turn which the man who directed first told. It was a real dark road in the midst of Baniyan Tree, almost a ghost movie effect,  really was an awesome experience to travel. Thanks to our Navigator => Syed with his Pulsar who stopped in desired pits and directed us in the right path. It was almost 7 when we touched ECR again, almost around 2 hours we lost the time, and then we drove to our best and stopped near Mayajaal and had our dinner...
Folks the content to read may not look so interesting and thrilling but mark my words if you would have experienced that last 4 hours of thrill without knowing whether we will reach ECR or not and whether we are going in the right path and that too in dark roads, wow I bet you all will experience the thrill.
It was a real memorable day of my Life, I dint inform my dad and mom that I am going to Pondy, only after reaching there I informed that I am here, to my surprise when I reached home they dint scold because that strike was telecasted in News channel, so they got to know why I was late from the trip.
Thus here ends the thrilling post....
Cheers for you guys for your support and reading it.
Watch all the Pondy fun in my FB Album.
Link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=248870&id=539564104

Cheers !!
