On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Monday 28 August 2017

Switching my Blogger Site

Howdy Folks !

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I owe you a lot.

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D'Joe Philip 

Thursday 22 September 2016

Singapore to Vallanadu :)

The month of School memories continues…..

The title may sound weird because you might be thinking what would be the connection between Singapore and Vallanadu. 

Singapore as you all knows it is one of the finest nations in the world and an absolute destination of tour. 

Vallanadu, for those who don’t know let me give a brief note about that. It’s a river bank in the out skirts of Tirunelveli. 

This episode goes back to XI grade ! It is a travel between Singapore and Vallanadu. Our school is very famous for taking trips to different destination every year for all our students. The usual spot always used to be Trekking. They also took us to Trivandrum and Kanyakumari once. Since we were in XI grade, we spoke to our Principal madam for a different destinations not the normal ones. Really what made her think she came up with a surprise plan, it was to Singapore. We were like laughing inside but as she explained the trip we all were like mentally excited. As an initiative within few days, a Trip advisor came and gave us a budget of Rs.15,000 – 20,000 I vaguely remember as Student Educational Trip. Few of us including me were game for it. The next day, even the passport agents queued up in Principal’s room. I remember my friends Marium and someone else, spontaneously applied for the same too. I didn’t apply because I had a pinch of doubt that this trip might not work out. The drama of hopes and building of castle went on for a week. 

But, as we all expected it didn’t work out. Our management heads for some reason weren’t in a mood to approve. But our princi madam, didn’t gave up. She and Sunil teamed up and spoke to our School photographer and planned a trip to Kerala & Veegaland. The drama continued again for a week. I was ready for any trip whatever it was planned. But as the drama ended a week’s time, the photographer told its raining heavily in Kerala so will not be the right time to go. We were like completely in a mood to give up. 

But somehow after a week’s time, again teamed up with Sunil and requested Princi madam for a Trekking to a different location. But our class girls were against it and the trip got cancelled. 
We were like completely shattered. 

It was over a week, I entered school that day around 8.30 a.m. Still remember Sunil and Syed were running towards me to the Bike stand. Sunil had a very broad smile in his face. I was thinking that something big trip has been confirmed. But the real comedy was awaiting. Syed came and told we are going to Vallanadu for a one day excursion. Sunil asked me to run to my home back again and come with Instruments of Entertainment and loads to eat. With no choice we were happy with the trip. I rushed home, packed up a trousers and a towel. Quickly grabbed my Walkman and few cassettes along with a Tweeter ( A Small speaker kind of thing). Syed and Abi I guess made sure that bus was loaded with Snacks. 

The bus started at around 9.15 and travelled a very long distance of 5-6 kms which took 900 seconds to reach the destination. You all must be calculating 900 seconds I know, lemme tell its just 15 minutes. 

We had no clue what we are going to do by going there. Our Principal madam and our Favorite Botany Abinayam Sundaram accompanied us. After reaching there, principal madam told common guys go to East direction about 500 meters away and swim there, myself and all girls will have fun over here. We guys, were like had no choice and made sure to make it memorable. We followed the instruction, and went 500m far. After reaching there, we all were seeing each other face like who is going to take the lead to enter the water with their Underwear. Our charismatic leader Sunil took the lead. We all followed our leader. As I always been mentioning 2 usual guys who are always apart continued to sit on the river banks. We all entered one by one. Still remember it was Noorul who kept a watch on the girl from far not to see them but to make sure they doesn’t see his 6 packs. Till end he was hiding behind a bush and enjoyed the entire stay in water. One beauty of our trip, we enjoyed every bit as if we were on a real Singapore beach but not in Thamirabharani. 

After a couple of hours of enjoyment in water, we all changed our dress and went to Bus. We all had our lunch together. Music and snacks were going with some games. We tried our best to drag the day but we returned to school around Lunch time. To our surprise we had even classed after the trip till 4. 
At the end of day, we all sat and discussing the entire moment as if we went on a real Singapore trip. We might not have discussed that much even if we would have gone to Singapore on real terms, but for local Vallanadu we had a great round table conference.

Thus this is how the journey which began in Singapore landed in Vallandu. I became a laughing stock at home, my dad still say that your school trip was one of the best trips. Started in Singapore and ended in Vallanadu, because such was the hype I was giving each time a new trip was planned every week. 

Still I would say, it was one of the best trips to remember and cherish. We were a gang of just 8 guys who always enjoyed each other’s company always and made sure we enjoyed each and every bit of moment and make it memorable. To all your surprise make us reunite even now we will still make a memorable one, such is our friendship. 

p.s.: After we passed out, our Princi madam made sure she made all the trips which we planned with her happened on real terms. Our Juniors were taken to Singapore & Malaysia. Also had trips to Kerala & Veegaland. When we went to school during our College days she gave the credits to us for making the initiative for all the trips which happened. We still had a smile that atleast we were a part of planning process of the trip even though we weren’t in the execution part. So my dear juniors who ever enjoyed the above mentioned destinations thank us, because without us those wouldn’t had been possible. 

This picture was taken way back in 2005 after passing out of School, when we visited our School and met our Principal madam. 


Thursday 15 September 2016

Time Management !!!

Howdy folks,

Today’s post title may sound little theoretical but the post is completely full of excitement and fun. A different genre considering it’s impact to our present lives. Another perfect #ThrowBackThursday post to me.

It’s again about my school life and it dates back to XII grade. Not sure how but we guys were very conscious in time management when it comes to sports alone.

XII std as you all know in all schools the students are tormented and made to think only about Books, Exams and Special classes. We were no different. #NoHoliday was always in our agenda. But we guys made sure our Sporting activity doesn’t go in vain.

We used to get couple of sessions of free time which we had to utilize to the core. First, our Lunch break and second between 4.00 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.

Coming to the lunch break, we guys always used to have lunch in a gang being a strength of 10 guys & grab our lunch very fast as possible. Energy boosters used to Abilash’s lunch because it used to come hot and most often with Non-Veg in it. Seriously folks, we never hesitated to fight for it and grab our share not occasionally but almost daily. (I think I would write a special post on that some other time). After lunch used to be around 20 minutes window of free time. We always make sure we come down for lunch with our Exam pads. You guys must have guessed those who have used it effectively if not, let me reveal. It was “Pad Cricket”. We used to carry a small Plastic ball always and used to play Cricket. Rules were simple, One pitch catch out, each player one over, scores only through boundaries and Direct six also used to be Out. Those who have played those legendary games I am sure it will definitely bring smiles on all your faces. We used to play so fast like everyone (Around 8 of us when comes to game 2 were exceptional don't want to mention them now he he he) used to get their chances and even get a winner daily.

Second most time conscious activity which we used to do was everyday between 4.00 p.m. to 4.15 p.m. You all must be thinking what we used to do. Its not cricket again, but this time its volleyball. Everyday we had special classes between 4.15 p.m to 5.15 p.m. So before that we used to have 15 minutes window of free time. In this time period, we used to go to rest room and quickly assemble at the ground. There used to be a pre-planned team which we plan well before 4.00 p.m. So no time wastage, Straight away we enter into the arena, and start playing. In that window, we make sure we play to the fullest. My teammates mostly used to be Sunil, Abilash & Vishal. Opposite always used to be Syed, Navenee, Noorul etc. Still remember one incident when Syed broke his brand new Frameless specs. But man, his attitude nobody can come near him. Had I been in his place would have cried, but he casually kept it in his pocket and continued playing. Of course he escaped from studying that evening special class he he he. Coming back, we also make sure we had our best shots and shoots because often bunch of our Junior girls used to see us play. What else more you need to show your skills and shoots. Credits to all our Junior guys, who daily give space for our game without asking. They always keep the ball ready for us and allow us to play during that time. Such was the culture of our wonderful school.

These two session of play we atleast I would consider it now was a perfect Time Management class because, it taught us to maximize our efforts and give our best within a restricted time. Many of us are now time conscious and work efficiently I feel also because of those untaught chapters from books.

I am sure this post will bring memories of those two sessions to my School buddies of XII grade.

Buddies, this post would have never come without you all. It completely belongs to you all.

Forever buddies.

p.s. Morning saw this pic and shared this post, which prompted me to share this post.


Thursday 1 September 2016

The Haircut :P

Howdy folks,

Hope you all enjoyed the previous post – MEDALS !

In continuation to my previous post and being a Throw Back Thursday, lemme share one more interesting episode of my / our School life. This post I dedicate to my buddy Gopi who rekindled the memory of this episode.

Our beloved principal was always known to maintain our school as one of the most disciplined schools during our period of schooling. We students were groomed too in that manner be it our Uniform, Cleanliness, Way we eat our lunch with napkins, Speaking in English, Prayer Songs, Assembly aaaaaaaannddddd HAIRCUT !

This episode again dates back to around 9th grade ! As mentioned earlier, our Principal madam was very keen that we should be always groomed and neat. But it wouldn’t be nice if there are no law breakers.

In one such month, she was very particular on all our hairstyles alone. She kept on telling all our guys that we should have Clean & Short hairs and no Long & Stylish hairstyles. This rule was applicable for all grades. She patiently kept on persisting almost for two weeks. To the best of my knowledge many obeyed, but few of my friends weren’t really in a mood to agree.

Finally, the drama was set to happen. All our guys, including me were asked to come out and go to the Shed which was near to our School ground. We thought some sports activity selection and went happily. Few said it was District Level Football or Volleyball selection. Imagine how crazy we were on sports.

But when we arrived things weren’t rosy. A barber was eagerly waiting for us with Sharp Scissors and Comb. We were like Chalo, its gonna be another fun filled day. Our PT teacher made us stand in line and made sure we all had very short haircuts, I mean it really short like Actors in Bala Movie lol. We didn't forgot to have fun even during that time, started playing some small games and kept on teasing each other after their Hair Chopping was over.

One by one we all had nice Summer cum Military cut. My friends who were really targeted were Pushpa and Gopi. Really Poor fellows. Pushpa had a scare on his forehead bcos' of some surgery so to hide that he used to had long hairs in the front which used to cover his forehead. (Now he doesn't bother to cover it, reason - Company Secret). Next was Gopi who always had long funky type hair covering his forehead. For both, the hairs were chopped off.

We always used to tease Pushpa as Kutchi (which means Spine like hair) and that day he really became like that and Gopi too was not far behind. The Porcupine Brothers. The only guy I guess who didn’t looked differently was me, because I had curly hair so that didn’t affect much. Also my friend Ramesh & Navanee too didn’t had much difference because had a short hair cut the previous day. My Senior, Srinivas too was targeted for the same, who had similar long stylish hairstyle in the front.

Drama concluded at Principal’s room when all guys were given Green signal to go to class if their haircuts was satisfactory to her, else were again asked to re-cut. Greatest of all comedy was when we guys were asked to pay Rs.15 odd to the barber for the haircut. No ways were we all in a mood to give. We all unanimously said we don’t have money and finally the school paid it. Finally almost half a day class cut....yupieeeeee :)

The next day, all the parents who didn’t like their wards hairstyle came and staged a big drama, but our Principal stood bold and never cared. My mom wasn’t aware of such incident itself. Because I didn’t look different.

Of course, Pushpa and Gopi continued to grow and kept their Long hair after that and made sure their foreheads were covered. Most of us too came to their regular styles.

It may or may not be too humorous or funny to some, but on real terms it was quite a Nightmare at the beginning atleast for my buddies Gopi & Pushpa and later turned out to be a one of the most memorable incidents for all of our life.

Guess I should dedicate this to all of my School batch mates, because this incident would flash in their memories after reading this and bring a COLGATE SMILE on their faces.

The hero in the pic is Gopi during our school days, see how he has covered his forehead !! This must be around 6th or 7th grade so imagine how it would be in 9th Grade !!!

All schools teach bookish education, but our School always stood out, bcos’ it also taught us valuable lessons of life and gave us such wonderful memories which are unforgettable and which never fade away. As I always say and will also say, it also gave some wonderful friends for life time. 

#ThrowBackThursday !!! 


Tuesday 30 August 2016

Medals :)

If I am asked to share on my School life, I would write endlessly. Such was a blessing in disguise phase for our batch mates. I would say, we were and are blessed to get such a wonderful gang of friends.

This episode dates back to 8th Grade ! I would say it was one of the most memorable event of my / our life.

School life is incomplete if any of you hasn’t been punished at least once in your entire school life. We had many many & infinity times such experiences, but one Punishment stands out of all.

The memories are still fresh and am glad to share with you all, without any bit of shame. He he he he !!

We usually were outstanding students when it comes to Mathematics and Monthly test results. I mean it – OUTSTANDING !!

It was one such day, when a large bunch of my friends including me were asked to stand outside because we didn’t pass in our Monthly test and some who didn’t get sign from Parents because they scored less / failed. I was from the later. (I Swear I passed by a whisker that day but forgot to get sign from my mom because of my laziness). I remember it was our Shyamala Madam who made us fame that day.

On usual note, we all were happily chatting and playing even though we were asked to kneel down and with our hands up. We were expecting that this will last long for 30 odd minutes and will get inside the class, but we were WRONG !

Our ever beloved Principal Renuka madam saw us playing without any shame. She got furious and came near and scolded on top of her voice. As always we kept our heads down and went to SILENT MODE. Expecting to end, she didn’t do it so. She quickly went into the staff room, asked few teachers to bring chart papers and threads.

Little did we knew the greatest drama was set to happen.
After a matter of 20 minutes, she came with around 20 pieces of Chart paper tags with threads. We were asked to wear it around our neck. Each cards were quite big and had unique writing on it.
Guess what ??
1.    I am a Dunce because I unable to pass
2.    I am a fool, because I failed in Maths
3.    I am an idiot…
4.    I am an useless
Each card had different varieties of writing, of course all describing us. 

We all had no options but to wear. The episode didn’t stop, we were segregated into two batches and were asked to visit each class rooms of the entire school and asked to tell the reason for wearing the Cards.

All the teachers who didn’t liked us, clapped very hard for our achievement. They were smiling from East to West. We too replied them with a smile.

My principal, had special love towards me so she made sure that I was asked to visit the class where my mom would be taking the classes. It was a perfect plan.

But nevertheless we didn’t forgot to enjoy and kept smiling when we entered each classrooms. Few girls on usual note were on tears. Turn wise we announced the reason.

The drama unfortunately didn’t end there. It was almost lunch time. Our princi madam, saw us still smiling and playing around, she got into red beast mode and asked only the boys (I guess around 8-10 nos.) to march right in the middle of the school ground and stand just there. It was just before the lunch break. The entire school whoever missed the drama of classroom parade, didn’t miss out this time. Everyone came and saw our Boards / Tags and smiled. We turned the board and didn’t show what it was written, but our P.T. Teacher asked to turn it back .

Still remember my friend Ramesh’s bro (Suman) came to see us in the ground was asking me, “Anna what is the meaning of Dunce?”. I told him go and ask his elder bro because he had something unique name in his tag than me. We also requested Suman to not to forget to tell at home regarding the same.

It was almost end of the day I remember, our principal asked to come back and once again gave a blasting. Later we were asked to have our late Lunch.

Finally it was also end of the day and it was 4 p.m. the day was over. Without any shear shame, we were at the Football ground at 4.05 p.m. and played as we used to play daily. We were also happy that the entire day was not spent in class.

Each and every juniors who used to play were amazed by our Mental strength and ability to withstand any humiliation. Ha ha ha ha.

Others would call it was a perfect Cangue, but I would name it as a day of “Medal” swearing ceremony.  A medal more precious than an Olympic medal, because of which we became famous and also because we are here today mentally strong !

Guys who were presented the prestigious medals : Myself, Pushpa, Ramesh, Navanee, Samuel, Gopi, Kishore, Navin etc. From girls I remember Marium was there because she was our scapegoat to speak most of the time when we went for the parade. Vaguely remember others.

P.s.: Later the evening at home, mom thought I was failed. But when I showed that I was pass and because of my laziness to not get sign I was punished she was very happy for it. She said only one thing “Beta you deserved it”.

School days to us as I always say, taught us many things. This was one such incident which made us fame for few days, but it gave us one of the most memorable memories for our life time. Not sure these generation kids get such punishment because if you give they tend to commit suicide thinking it as a great insult. To us we accepted to larger extent, that we were punished because of our mistakes. We are now stronger Mentally and able to withstand all our pressures of life because of such small lessons which we learned during our school days. Ask all my buddies they would say the same and would smile after reading this post. So all your guys at School, just enjoy to the core. Leave all your scolding and beatings, it would be memories one day.

I am sharing the picture of our class X, almost most of entire lot of this picture were part of this Medal ceremony.

Monday 1 August 2016

The Hype

As the title suggests this post is all about the hype and which ran through all people’s mind about a week ago !

If you have guessed what I meant then just silently read through else with no other option read through !! Ha ha ha !!

It all started on May 1st when I saw the first glimpses of it, and I made up mind that I am not gonna miss even this time. As the months passed on slowly the hype and the drama was build up all around us. It was there everywhere and even in all social media. The more and more hype was built up the more I became curious to witness it.

Finally it was the last week of the drama and the hype was at its peak. I started to approach all sources to not to miss the moment. Started calling, all my friends one by one but everyone had negative replies tagged to them. Even approached the help of Online but it was a total vain.

At one point I had only two options left, it was either I had to travel almost out of city or spend more. My inner mind kept on asking one big questions, is it worth it? isn’t the hype too high? The reply honestly was YES within me but my stupid mind was focussed still on that. The day before the drama I hardly worked and kept on calling every friends and even friends of friends. Tina (My wife)  was almost wondering why have I become such an idiot?

The previous night I was awake till midnight and was kept on calling Deepak Anna, but he too said no bro. Finally I gave up and slept off.

The day finally arrived – 22nd of July 2016 ! Now I think everyone would have guessed what that hype was – KABALI !!

I am not an ardent fan of Rajini or cine star and not at all a regular FDFS watcher. But something kept on insisting I should watch it FDFS if not only after a week. My previous FDFS were Enthiran, Kochadiyan, Linga etc. all Rajini Movies, so didn't wanted to break the momentum.

The morning of 22nd July, my friend CASEY dropped a message that Tickets are available for Rs.400/- in Woodlands theatre. I offered the ticket to my School bestie Ramesh, but to my surprise he told Mamz, free tickets are there start !! I had no words to say, just had a quick shower and was on my bike in 15 mintues. Finally I witnessed the HYPE !!

Was lucky to watch it twice not once, and with Tina too. One thing she told immediately after coming out Movie was good but not worth Rs.1000/- ticket and all. Because she was against me getting tickets for even Rs.400/-. End punch from her was it was nothing near to THERI movie. I asked what?? Ardent Vijay fan nothing can be done

I am not here to review the movie, to me I was just keen to watch the First Day First Show not as a mad fan but just to gel and get along with the hype which was created. To me, I went without any expectations to the movie and completely enjoyed the entire movie witnessing Rajini on the screen, his style, dressing, stunts etc. like everything I enjoyed to the core completely leaving behind all the negatives.

The hype was as such because everywhere you see in social media it was Kabali. Few office declaring holiday and Painting on the flights were completely which I never witnessed for any movie. I am not here to justify whether it was right or wrong.

As a marketing lad, would say the producers did a wonderful Marketing by targeting all possible ways of achieving the hype and achieved more that their target.

As a foolish freak I can proudly say I too watched KABALI on First Day and was part of that hype which the whole world faced in the 3rd week of July 2016 !

#NeruppaDa !!


Thursday 19 May 2016


Now, temme honestly for how many you the word #Mummy is the most loved word?
Even to me, still this is the most lovable word still and ever shall be because such is the power of her love.

But only once in a life time, this word turned out to be a nightmare.

Incident as Narrated by dad:

The moment goes back to 1992, when I was a kiddo guess a UKG student. As all UKG lad, I was a beginner in writing, so if I used to get a pen / pencil with no doubt I used to scribble any where and every where.

Also as narrated by dad I was always curious from kid that I used to label their name on the item which belonged to them.

So now on the day of incident I think I got a compass in my hands and came across mom’s item. So with no second thought, wrote very happily and with full curiousness #MUMMY on it.

Guess on what? It was on her brand new Sewing machine. My mom is someone who expresses out her emotions without thinking, so outta emotions she gave a nice hit to me. But later after say 10 minutes she embraced me.

Still dad says, I was giving a stare look till night for why I was given the punishment. You people say, for why I was punished? Did I commit a crime or was it really a punishable incident? I don’t think so. I was a curious naughty little kiddo so I did my part for labeling her item particularly on a new item, still got punished.

But if I think of that now, I get a big smile on my face !!

According to dad I didn’t go near the Sewing machine for nearly a month, then later it was mom who encouraged me to help in Swing the handle. From that time I always helped her in stitching loads of cloths.

Still she expresses out with a little emotions on her tone when she narrates the incident.

I had been itching to share this incident in my micro blog always as this is one thing which makes my childhood cherish able and memorable one.

The legendary Sewing machine is still working in version 2.0. I mean the peddle has been attached to the bottom recently and very much working. This is the machine which is still functioning as it was in the beginning.

To all your surprise, the word #MUMMY still exist in the machine even though it was written 24 years odd old. I still smile and admire my own handwriting way back in UKG !!

I recently clicked a picture of it which I am sharing it.

Guess a perfect #ThrowBackThursday post !!!

