On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Saturday 13 February 2010

Being Single Rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post is from my personal experience !! 

I never Fell in love with any girl so far and have plans for it in the near future too ! Lols !!
yeah but in way back in 12th grade i was in love but not true something like infatuation i should say in clear, just went behind like crazy guy searching for her home and hunting her phone number and lots more !! at the end what happened that my close buddies know it, but the real fact is that i lost my concentration in studies and eventually made a major set back in my career scored low in 12th !!!!!!!!!!!
When i joined my college i made a resolution look Joe, what ever happened is happened never believe in Love in college life like Cinema its not true at all !!!!! its not practical in Real life only in reel life its true ! rofl !!
From that time till now am Single Single and Single ! well i am happy, secured and also Virgin lols lols !
After that incident i never went behind any gal for Love or had that feelings too, even to say more none of the girls tried me too he he he lols !!! I am always happy and will proudly will say i am a Single !!
Not only that even my close buddies and known ones dint join up though they were in deep love during college days, later separated off due to some reasons and later knowing that it will not suit their family and they are suffering now ! Do you know what happens in some extreme cases the trust of either of the lover shatters like a broken glass which  can never joined again even if its tried 100 times coz that person would have been thinking all way through that his/her lover will never cheat him/her !!!!!!!!! (this is what happened to my close one and the person is suffering now ). In another incident a friend of mine loved a girl, later just cos their parents had seen alliance left that guy. And there are few more guys who are Mad in one side love, may be it will work out in Kutty movie but in real life never, those two guys are still thinking of their girl still staying filmy dialogues "i miss you" "mannipaya" "i still love you " etc etc  , by staying up in overseas and wasting their time and energy. I dont know what all of them achieved it by doing Love ?? as said my some comedian "Love is like a Murruku, will be nice while eating after that its nothing just melts away, it never stays for Long". This is 100% true !!!!!!!!!
Love is something make you mad and crazy, it never keeps you calm and allows you too be stable, you try to always impress your loved ones, spend for them, exchange gifts, take them out for movies, make false promises, and eventually he/she departs in some part of life just in a fraction of second and at last keeps you in stress, by that you realize that i have lost many things , it will be too late.

My concept of Love: Its just a rare feeling in which only few succeed, but most of them fails. In other words, Love pains a lot if its broken, Cheat our parents, Move away from our frnds !!!! do we need this tell me ??

Causes of Love : Loose our parents trust, move away from our friends and at last be Single by growing beard and keeping yourself alone. and sometimes breaking the trust of either of the lover in extreme cases.

Advantages of Being Single : 

  • Parents trust not broken.
  • Friends never depart away.
  • Freedom to do anything. 
  • No need to recharge or spend for your lovers lols
  • 24*7 can sight Chicks just for fun !!!!!
  • and more important BE HAPPY FOR EVER !!
I am not against Love, i am telling, before falling in Love think about your future, will they be united for ever? Will their parents will accept their love ?? etc etc. or you should have the guts to stand before the society by leaving all your trusted ones behind !
But i want to add few more lines i am not against Love, there is True lovers and Love too in my circle who have got united in their life and living happily. They really shined well in their life because they loved each other and understood each other, only thing percentage of success of Love is Less in countries like India !!
Anyways in some stage of Life everyone are going to get united with their Life partners why shouldnt we Love them later and give them their full love , instead of giving our love to some girl, leaving him / her behind and showing some fake love or half love to the real one !!!!!!!!!!!

Happy V-Day for all the true lovers, may your love blossom for ever and keep you united for ever in Life !!!!!!!! Love but before falling into it think twice or thrice and then fall !!!!!

Hope i dint bore you guys who are reading this !!!!!! Thanks for reading this !!!!
Cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. wow..wow..that was so explicit joe!! except for the blatent refernces u used for one side love :P:P rocking article indeed :)

  2. thnx for your comments ablilash , just in a matter of one hour i recollected all those stuffs and posted it !!!!!!!! really something made me to write on the eve of V-Day !!!!!! lols !!!! he he he !

  3. Hey Joe...Nice blog V-Day.. No comments as such.. But jus becuz U have not experienced the feelin of luv u cant be so much on one side judgement.. May be u hav not seen gud no. of lovers who r simply made for each other n leading a perfect marriage life too.. U never written abt the adv of being committed.. anyways very gud blog bro.. keep blogging.. Cheers...

  4. @archana: yea you are true, i dint oppose Love at all, infact ended up by wishing all the lovers lols !!!!! i just expressed and shared my experience. I dont dis-agree that there are lovers who are made for each other,over all what is the percentage of success ??? 100% or atleast 50%, no nah less than that only nah !!!!!!!
    nyways thnx for your sister

  5. Hey joe....Awesome study da.. Kalakals!!1
    Yup our college is nothing when compared to other hi fy flirters in various colleges, but still the incidents at times chill me.. Bloody hell, how can he or she ditch the other?? I've seen guys who have bcum void in failures and guys who overcome their sadness & win. But, Love is not what we are tellin about. It's a rich feeling which is boundless of words. Love is from Heaven as I believe. An unsaid promise of Mutual living with less fight and more warmth. It's a part of Nature & Life. But what many think, Love is ***. Shit!!! Great Job JoE!!
    Never mind about a girl not proposing, that to on 14th FEB, :):) True proposals don need this date to get started, its automatic without even telling... I pray that you get a Wife and that you really lead a life of Ultimate trust & happiness.. Love you dude!!!

  6. @naren: i am saying again i am not against love, some lovers are there who are true and really got united but rate of success ??
    and i am not interested in accepting any proposals too not in such a mood too lols !!!!!
    he he he nywyas thnx for ur comments love u too buddy

  7. ///what is the percentage of success ??? //

    See the % of success depends on the commitment one gives in.. this holds for all the things not only for Love i think..

  8. yea sure but i how many of them are very true to their love and their lover ?? i am nt specifying anyone but it has become a c'mon fact, u know nah how many of them were lovers in our college, after college are they still same from my dept, except for for one all got separated with some other reasons cos they loved just as time pass yaar !!!!! or for college buff / scene !!! tutz it ,

  9. Joe... How come you are too innocent to the core? But well that explicit outcome of yours is worth spending time and reading it!!! Keep posting more da!!!

  10. Dnel......i too remember those days man......roaming in rehmeth nagar....it seems very funny now....every saturday evening....walking in her streets...with the fear of not being spotted by sum1....datz sweet memoirs.....

  11. @shreeram: who was innocent me huh?? except for loving gals, i have sighted 1000 + gals, have teased and made them cry all de grils too de core so now tel m i innocent huh ???
    i hope u will change ur mind now lols !!!!!!!!!
    nywyas thnx for de comments

  12. @mahesh: dei dei dei y da that flash back n all now huh ???
    dis is public public !!!!!!!!!!!!
    lols nyways yea those were memorable days of course with no doubt da !!!!!!!!!!

    nywyas thnx for de comments da

  13. Well Joe.. First appreciation on writing something which u have experienced.. But i cant appreciate of writing something which you have never experienced ..It looks Bland..
    Every phase of life is different... Its fun sometimes for some to be committed.. for some to be single and doing committed stuffs is fun. Life is short.. take it as it comes.. Love is part of life.. and if it strikes u sometimes.. accept it rather than staring hard at it with your strong advantages of being single. I bet the day u will be in love.. I would remind u of this blog and lets see what you comment back right here...
    Keep Blogging...Expressing views.. Sharing Views.. and Understanding how others understands others and what we understand others is important.. Than what actually goes in the content...

  14. @KK bro: yea bro i started with sharing my comments but donno something made me to share about other guys too those who are suffering with Love failure, i think tut was my lil mistake i shudnt hav done tut but many guys accepted so nothing to worry too bro,

    nwyas ha ha ha ha Joe in Love no bro that will never happne bro , okay cos u have kept a bet lemme wait and check out, whether i fall in that Love lols !!!

    yea i am sure i will post more personal views in near future bro !!!

    thnx for ur support bro
