On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !

"On My Life and Happenings ............ As it is !!!"

Monday 20 June 2011

Love you Dad !!!

Father’s Day is considered to be the day of commemoration and celebration for that one person in your life who is there for you at different walks of verve, to help you out when you need him, to make you feel secure, to make available to you all pleasures of life. This day is an occasion to recall, recognize and remember those endless pains; he had taken for your growth and upbringing, that very special icon, your father or what do you call your Dad.
This day not just calls for an honour to your father, but to all men who have acted as a fatherly figure in your life- whether as Stepfathers, Grandfathers, or even your ‘Big Brothers’.
He was there for your first step, your first fall, and you can count on him to be there when you need him next. Your biggest hero deserves your biggest thanks.
A Father is someone who is a role model for most of the kids es guys., so was for me. My dad was wid no doubt one of my Role Model in various aspects, but unfortunately I don’t go with my dad in many ways.

My Dad:
A man of discipline, Hard working, Keeping things back to right place, Time keeper, etc etc. these are some of his attributed which I love about him and want to adopt but my laziness always keeps me just opposite to that. Hopefully one day I too become a responsible guy.He has carried me literary with no pain to long distance when I was young. 

My dad, has sacrificed many things for me from my childhood. Still remember my dad used to drop me in school in his cycle round to about 6 kms and then proceed to his office from there. He used to teach me mathematical tables daily morning on the way to school. If I remember I learnt upto 15th table. He never cared about Cold winds of Delhi, or Stormy winds and rains, just used to drive me. One of most lovable moments were during rainy season and winter. During rainy used to cover me inside with his big & strong rain coat and during winter used to keep on asking is it cold and cover my face and ears from cold. Dad used to make me sit in a small seat attached to his front bar of the cycle. It was the most precious moments of my life.

Dad has never been a person only as a father to me. He has been a close and good friend to me. He used to advise just once with strong words and just leave me. He never pressurizes me or forces me to do, have always left me on my own decisions.

At the age of 10 left me choose my dresses, at 15 left me to play and roam on my own and never asked me any questions even though I used to come late sometimes, at 18 allowed me to move to Chennai on my own and choose my own career, at 22 allowed to choose MBA and 24 my Job. He was very happy that I got job immediately and didn’t made his head down in front of others to allow anyone to ask “Is your son still not working though have completed his degree?” He has given me a loads of freedom and has accepted my decisions in my own way. 

He had and has loads of faith and trust in me in whatever I do and tell and to my knowledge I have never broken his trust and have taken advantage of it too.

Dad always used to be a man of simple principles and looks. I ask him to wear costly and new dress but always like old fashioned and simple quality dresses. Rarely with force do I make him dress in cool attire.

Dad has always loved me more than my mom. Sometimes when I am ill he used to be pain and very worried. Never used to eat properly, used to ask me to go doctor without waiting. To be honest I am gifted to have a dad like him.

My dad loves cooking and to be honest sometimes are very tastier than mom’s non-veg stuffs. I love his hair style and big mustache, but personally I don’t like keeping it.
My life’s most precious moments are my Birthday celebration organized by my Dad. I guess till the age of 8-9 he has celebrated my birthday in a grand manner, used to print big posters stick around home, invite all family friends, relatives and special organized foods. Really loved those golden days & tears roll down if I think of that.

Just like other dad he used to beat me for all my notorious activities, I swear still fear for his belt beatings used to rip away if he gets angry. Most often used to get beatings for vomiting and always playing around during eating.

No matter whatever happens I will love till my last breathe and never will leave him down at any situations. 

Al right so this was a small journey of mine with my dad. Hope you people liked reading it. On this wonderful father’s day I wish to wish all my folks’s fathers too a Happy Father’s Day.

Our dad means a lot to us, so respect them and never let them down at any circumstances.

Want to end this post with an abbreviation to our father:
Top of Form
'F= Forever With His Family
A= Always There For You No Matter What
T= The Only One Who’s There
H= He’s My Hero Till The End
E= Encouraging In Everything I Do
R= Really The Only One…
No One Can Beat Him He’s The Best!!!'

Love You Dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bottom of Form


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